Universal POD review for Talon: Advanced Registration
Oct. 25, 2022
Hey, I've just installed the app a few hours ago and made my checkin up, but it doesn't fit my needs yet. From what I heard of the other reviews, your support is good and the app mostly covers the needs or the customers, but there are still a few things missing for me. I think thats due to you still working on the app. Things that I miss: -Drag-and-Drop the different fields in the preview -Changing color of Image fields - When spreading the registration more wide, I cant make a text as introduction for the complete width, only for the half of it -More possibilitys in changing colors or the background of the login around your window when someone is on my checkin -When deleting something in the profile tab, it also gets deleted in the regitration tab. Thats really a problem for me. At all, the app works good, and I'll keep looking in the demo what you changed there. Kepp working on it, I like your effort. Eric
Thanks for the kind words. I appreciate you giving it a look and a detailed analysis to determine if it's what you're after. I'll give you a more detailed reply about your feature requests via email. Certainly the app is always being improved and I'll take to heart what you're asking for here.

Advanced Registration App: Custom Shopify Registration Forms