Approovly: Order Approvals
approval workflow app with staff notifications
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Approovly is an approval workflow app designed to enhance the order fulfillment process by introducing an approval step. It helps maintain higher quality control by mandating approval before fulfilling orders. The app also offers personalized approval email notifications and automatically tags approved orders.
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Aug. 23, 2022
It's a great app to allow order approvals before proceeding to fulfill orders. Recommended! We added this app on our site and so far it's been working pretty good. The Settings interface is still a bit basic, but I think it can be further improved by the Developer. For instance there's no optional features to add custom e-mail messages once an order has been approved, or alternate e-mails for let's say a person approving the order and once the order has been approved. But overall it does it's job in tagging orders to be marked approved.
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