![Bazar Pre Purchase Surveys for Shopify](https://cdn.shopify.com/app-store/listing_images/2e2bd3fa35a7929f1755bde2070befb8/icon/CKPS-6ycivwCEAE=.png)
Bazar Pre Purchase Surveys
Discounts, Affiliate programmes, Email capture
Reviews Over Time
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Reviews Summary
Bazar Pre Purchase Surveys is an app designed to help ecommerce merchants with discounts, affiliate programs, email capture, and customer surveys. It offers features like Discount Pop Up, Email Capture, Survey Customers, and Affiliate Marketing to assist merchants in converting, learning from, and attracting new customers. The app allows merchants to reward customers with unique discount codes for providing insights and emails. Additionally, Bazar promotes the discounts and stores to its network of users via email channels. However, there are not enough reviews to analyze at the moment.
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