CallCourier Official App
Smart Deliveries Through Online Booking
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Reviews Summary
The reviews for this Shopify App are a mix of positive and negative feedback. Users who rated the app 5 stars found it very helpful and efficient in generating orders and updating CN automatically. They appreciated the ease it brought to their daily tasks. On the other hand, a user who rated it 1 star expressed dissatisfaction with the app, using repetitive negative feedback. Another user who rated it 5 stars mentioned that the integration with Call Courier logistics services was working great, but expressed a desire for the ability to import service charges to calculate net profit margin. Additionally, a user who rated it 2 stars pointed out a missing address field, specifically 'Apartment Number,' causing incomplete address problems during shipping.
Rating Breakdown
All reviews
June 14, 2023
Perfect very Helpful, Make my daily task easy to do as I just need to click and all my order get generated and CN get updated automaticaly.
March 25, 2023
bakwas bakwas bakwas bakwas bakwas bakwas bakwas bakwas bakwas bakwas bakwas bakwas bakwas bakwas bakwas bakwas bakwas bakwas bakwas bakwas
Feb. 7, 2023
Using Call Courier logistics services for a couple of years now. Recently integrated the App to Shopify for Order creation and dispatch. Working great so far. Only thing I would like more is to import Call Courier services charges to Shopify store so I can calculate Net Profit Margin.
Jan. 6, 2023
It is very helpful for the fulfillment of order. Its create booking and Add Tracking Under Order Number.
June 23, 2021
Official app misses address Field named `Apartment Number` so we're facing incomplete address problem in shipping.
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