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Reviews Summary
The reviews for the Shopify App are overwhelmingly positive, with users praising its seamless integration with Ceneo and user-friendly interface. They appreciate that the app is well-suited for Ceneo and simplifies the process of connecting Shopify stores with the platform. Users also highlight the ease of installation without the need for a developer's involvement. Additionally, the app allows users to specify which products they want to display on Ceneo, adding to its convenience and customization options.
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Aug. 21, 2020
Super apka, idealnie dostosowana do Ceneo, prosta w obsłudze i plik xml zaakceptowany przez Ceneo.pl
Aug. 10, 2020
Długo na to czekaliśmy! Bardzo dobra aplikacja, bez problemu integruje sklep Shopify z Ceneo. Instalacja nie wymagała zaangażowania programisty. Na plus to że pozwala określić jakie produkty chcemy wyświetlać w Ceneo!
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