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Reviews Summary
The reviews for the CIN7 Shopify App highlight several common themes. Users frequently mention issues with customer service, technical problems, lack of functionality, and difficulties with implementation. Many users express frustration with the app's inability to deliver promised features, long response times from customer support, and challenges with integrating Shopify orders and inventory. On the positive side, some users appreciate the app's potential and the improvements in support and reliability over time. However, the overall sentiment is negative due to the significant challenges faced by users in using the app effectively.
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Nov. 20, 2024
Had a horrible experience trying to implement CIN7 to my business, we had minimal requirements, we are not a complicated set! Dealing with a third party implementor cin7 forced us to use but then have not accepted any responsibility when they have not been able to deliver the functionality promised to us yet we are out of pocket tens of thousands of $. I would strongly suggest to do your own research and ask them to prove functionality before you pay a cent as once you're signed up and paid the salesman disappears and they lose all enthusiasm to make it work - horrible experience for us.
May 3, 2024
Well Cin7 asked for a review, my guess is that they may stop asking based on the rating they have here. I would NEVER EVER EVER recommend this platform to any e-commerce business that has a multi-channel distribution (which they claim to support). We have been in business for 10 years on ecomm and I can say this is the WORST investment of time, energy, and money I have ever made. The tech issues related to this platform are plentiful, we have open "tickets" for over a year. Their customer service barely fixes a problem as we always here "hum, this isn't happening to any one else" and then they just ignore it. They were built with people who must have never worked in this industry or have any product or supply chain experience, and everything takes way too many clicks. We are on a total time and attention burn with this platform, and the systems they say work don't ever work in the real world. I would highly recommend doing hours of due diligence on this platform before actually hoping in, and make sure you have a full-time data person on the team to deal with all the extra man-hours it takes to finish tasks. You may be asking "why would you stay" the sad news is there are not many options out there, so we remain with the devil we know, I just try to save future founders/small ecomm businesses to not waste their time and find a different solution.
April 17, 2024
Cin7 x Shopify Order routing is lacking in logic. Sales Orders from Shopify -> Cin7 cannot map on Shopify Inventory location, only Sales Channel. For example: if you have an order from your Shopify POS, eg a retail store, but the order is to be dispatched by your warehouse. Sales Channel: retail store Inventory Location: warehouse The order can only map based on Sales Channel to Cin7. So in this scenario, when your order comes into Cin7, it maps to the retail store, instead of the warehouse. So your inventory will be out of sync. Cin7 needs to develop more options/logic into their integration for order routing to allow their users to take full advantage of the Shopify omni capabilities. Ie - just be able to sell product from multiple inventory locations. Considering at least 70% of Cin7 users are on Shopify, it is a striking incapability of the integration.
Aug. 10, 2023
Theoretically a good service, except it breaks frequently. Randomly it won't push inventory to Shopify or Amazon. Most frustrating of all is the "customer service"... it takes 36 or more hours to hear back... if they reply to a ticket. A couple years ago they had live chat, but took that away. The last problem is the onboarding process. It is about a 3 hour process, but they drag it into a 4 week ordeal (one call per week), so that you're so time invested in the process that backing out is too much hassle. And they charge you the $500+ monthly fee for that month too.
June 6, 2023
Horrible. Cin7 today (6/6/2023) enacted a policy where data from our wholesale (not personal) Shopify channels is deleted after 30 days without so much as a heads up. This means that for a software that is quite literally the core of our business, Sales Invoices are gone, CRM data has disappeared, and the support team is blaming Shopify, but Shopify has no knowledge of what Cin7 enacted or why. Not only is this infuriating that they can "play" with data with such a blatant disregard, but can top that with pointing the finger at someone else, is one of the most inept things I've ever seen.
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