ROTD Crafter's Corner review for PODbazi: Tshirt Product Design

1 / 5

June 7, 2023

ZERO stars, although the system doesn't allow it. Let's forget the fact that I downloaded this program hoping it would be a suitable match, based on reviews saying that it worked. But when I downloaded it, the error came up that I needed to activate it with my theme. I tried this several times. I then reached out to customer service. Someone responded right away and told me that I should disregard the error, that the system was set up correctly on my theme. So I asked if they could help walk me thru how to make a product. Their response was that they already made a sample product and I could copy theirs. I was still curious why the error was showing that it needed to be activated if it was already activated. He said I should wait and someone would reach out to me right away and inform me that the code has been corrected so that the error wouldn't show anymore. 3 days later........someone contacts me and said they need MORE access to my back office because the access I granted them (based on their request), wasn't enough. At this point, I am 3 days into a 10 day trial and losing time that I can't get back. So I told them I am no longer interested in their "assistance" and I am deleting their program. Once deleted they sent me an email asking if they could help and offered other apps. I told them no I wasn't interested in anything else from them. Their response was they didn't want anything from me. They were VERY rude in their response, acted like THEIR lack of communication was somehow MY fault. They lost my business because when I have an issue, I expect a reponse quickly, not days later. I wouldn't do that to my customers, so I wouldn't expect others to do it to me. They claimed that I contacted them at 2:26am and they responded at midnight. Even if that were true, why would it take them almost 22 hours to respond? I told them I am not interested in staying up all night to communicate with them. They stated that they aren't either (then why would they wait until midnight to respond to me)? If you are looking for good customer service, I recommend going some where else. My search is still on for a WORKING app...this one couldn't even get out of the box Here is the emails between us, and you decide whether you want to do business with this type of company. Shopify Apps Install 9:37 AM (46 minutes ago) Please provide the edit theme and all other required accesses because our experts tried to check the issues but could not work properly because of your not prop Shopify Apps Install 9:38 AM (45 minutes ago) Please provide the edit theme and all other required accesses because our experts tried to check the issues but could not work properly because of your not prop Rite on Time Design 9:45 AM (38 minutes ago) I have no idea what you are asking for. But at this point, we have already lost 3 days of our "trial" so I will not be using this app as there will be no time for me to even try it. I will be deleting it today Shopify Apps Install 9:58 AM (25 minutes ago) Hi Julie, We are really very extremely sorry for all the inconveniences. Please try to understand that we replied your messages from 02:26 at midnight We were awake all night for support and our experts informed us they need time to fix but they did not inform us about your required accesses up until now. Please check the red marked screenshot where our experts need access without which it's completely beyond our scope to do anything Rite on Time Design 10:00 AM (22 minutes ago) This has been going on for days, and one of your people at one point said "oh it is working fine, don't pay attention to that, we have it all set up" when clearly it wasn't. I am really not interested in staying up all night for you to "fix" what clearly doesn't work. I sent these messages DAYS ago, and not at 2:26 my time. And when I was doing this, someone was contacting me at that moment. Shopify Apps Install 10:04 AM (19 minutes ago) Whatever is best for so best of luck with you not being interested in staying up all night because we also don't need this kind of customers :) Rite on Time Design 10:07 AM (16 minutes ago) Maybe next time respond sooner than 3 days later. Shopify Apps Install 10:09 AM (17 minutes ago) to me Maybe next time try to become a good human being by being interested in staying up all night first try to become a good human being then think about replying to emails :)

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PODbazi: Tshirt Product Design for Shopify
PODbazi: Tshirt Product Design
4.2 star
75 reviews

Design product (T-shirt, Mug, Bag, etc.) with text, image, etc

Shopify App Store