Kikibini review for MenuLock ‑ Disable Right Click
April 14, 2021
An ad is placed on your page that is impossible to get rid of. Unless you buy the pro version. Even when I have removed the app, this ad will remain. Please remove from my site! After this I get an email. Thanks for the help!
Hi, thank you for taking the time to leave a review. Sorry to hear you had a negative experience. Could you clear your browser cache and reload? Usually the explanation is your browser is showing an old (cached) version of your store. Our ad removal should be instant, but since we rely on a webhook from Shopify to know when you uninstall, it may take up to 30s for DRC to get the notice. (Alternatively, you can follow the instructions we email, to instantly remove DRC from your theme.) And as always, we’re available to help if the above does not resolve the issue - [email protected]