Triple Mountain Model Horses review for Discount Master ‑ Quantity
Nov. 10, 2018
When I first tested the app, it didn't work - The price never changed on the item. Support had their tech look at it, and the next day, I tested again. The first test failed, but then the second time, it worked. While that test sale was running, I tested the countdown timer feature. The first time I clicked the tab for that, I got a "cannot load page" error, but then on refresh, it loaded and I was able to very easily get a Black Friday timer showing on the live page. The app looks great on the customer-facing side and having these three features together is a great idea. Currently, though, I'm not 100% sure of its reliability, hence the 3-star review. I hope to be able to run more tests (because sometimes, after all, it might be Shopify that's having an issue) and if they execute as expected, I'll update this review with more stars.
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