Flowio Email Marketing, Pop Up for Shopify

Flowio Email Marketing, Pop Up

Flowio: Shopify Email Marketing, SMS, Pop Up, Live Chat









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Reviews Summary

Flowio has received a mix of positive and negative reviews from users. Positive aspects highlighted include excellent customer service, easy-to-use interface, helpful support team, and effective email marketing features. Users appreciated the quick responses and assistance from team members like Ryth, Jennie, Vincent, and Ciara. The app was praised for its ability to help grow email lists, provide pop-up options, and offer user-friendly design interfaces. On the other hand, negative feedback focused on issues like slow customer service, difficulties in setting up pop-up windows, and problems with email formatting and delivery. Some users also mentioned challenges with canceling subscriptions and limited customization features for email templates.


Excellent customer service and support
User-friendly interface and design features
Effective email marketing tools
Challenges with customer service response times and setup difficulties
Issues with email formatting and subscription cancellation

Rating Breakdown

  • 5
    97% (484 ratings)
  • 4
    1% (6 ratings)
  • 3
    1% (3 ratings)
  • 2
    0% (1 ratings)
  • 1
    1% (6 ratings)
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5 / 5 Share

Dec. 21, 2023

Using app

About 16 hours

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1 / 5 Share

Nov. 3, 2023

slow customer service to feedback many debag in application



Using app

3 months

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Developer Reply

Hi Osama, Thank you for submitting a review! We apologize for the slow response time. We understand that this is a frustrating experience, and we are committed to improving our customer support. We are working on improving our in-app self-help resources to provide our customers with faster answers to their questions. Also, one of our representatives has reached out to you to address the issues you were having. We appreciate your patience as we work to make improvements. Sincerely, The Flowio team

5 / 5 Share

Sept. 19, 2023

I can't say enough good things about this app! It's been a game-changer for my Shopify store. Highly recommended!

Using app

Over 1 year

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1 / 5 Share

Sept. 1, 2023

I don't know if the customers who have given a rating are really real. I tested the app for several days and noticed the following: E-mail campaigns are not formatted and sent as a box, but a width of 100% is displayed. This looks terrible in Outlook and other mail clients. Images with links or buttons cannot be sent in email campaigns. These are displayed in the template, but sending them is not possible. Our developer has tested this several times. He then removed the button links and image links. Then the newsletter was delivered to him. Previously, the message 'rejected' was always displayed. It is also unusual that you have to confirm the domain via your own DNS by creating a TXT code in the DNS server and confirming the domain in this way. This also applies to the e-mail address. The basic idea is good, but some things don't work here. The horribly formatted e-mails are also displayed in FLOW in every e-mail client with 100% instead of formatted as a box. Here, too, the basic idea would be wonderful, but the implementation is lacking. We deleted the app again after losing a few hours of testing with it. By the way, we know what we're doing. We are PHP developers and computer scientists. As a final piece of information, we naturally contacted support. He doesn't get in touch within 1-2 hours, but after 3 days and refers to more time and patience. No help was ever offered. The whole issue is very unfortunate. Actually, I would like the app and the idea too, but it's just UNUSABLE.

Using app

9 days

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Developer Reply

Hi Marcel, Thank you so so much for submitting such a thorough and insightful review. This not only helps other merchants, but also motivates us to take extremely great measures in determining how under-performing our teams are. I have sent a private message to you and hopefully will hear from you soon. Thanks & Kind Regards, Ryth - The Flowio team

1 / 5 Share

Aug. 7, 2023

very difficult to set up a pop-up window and finally it doesn't work at all, and this app not any help for my mobile display

Using app

2 days

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Average rating


Developer Reply

Hi Kun Lin Yuan, Thank you for submitting a review for our app! Please accept my sincerest apology! We understood this experience was underwhelmed and we would have felt the same way. I do see that one of our representatives has reached out to you to provide a solution. Can you please double-check and try it? Once again, my apologies that you have had the experiences that I believe no one would want from a customer service team. I can assure you that the level of support from my team is improving, and we will try our best to assist you. Looking forward to hearing from you soon. Best regards, Flowio team

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