Ellus & Krue review for Geolocation
May 4, 2022
Hmm. So within shopify settings you set which countries you ship to. The issue with geolocation app is that it doesnt integrate with those settings. this means that customers located in countries that you do not ship to will see the geolcation selector pop up (when enabled) that says "we ship to your country" when in fact the merchant does not. The customer will only find out that you do not once they waste their time and proceed to checkout to then have the shopify settings inform them that you do not ship to their location. Then you get angry customer support requests asking "why say you do when you dont". It seems logical that the geolocation app should consider your shopify shipping settings relating to shipping locations before it shows information to the customer. This seems like a half cooked solution.
Geolocation will only ever show the popup for countries that you ship to. If this isn't happening to you please contact us and we can help you sort this out.