Boston Pet Products® review for Google & YouTube
April 9, 2019
This app doesn't work, but somehow it says that it ran over $200 worth of ads. How could it do that when all of my products have been in "pending" for as long as it's been installed??
Thank you for sharing your experience with us, we value your feedback and appreciate you taking the time to share it with us here so that we can continue to improve. Sometimes the products are approved on your Google Merchant Center and it still reads as pending in the Google Shopping app. If this ever happens, you can contact Shopify Support and our team can look into it further for you! I apologize for the issues you were having with the app and would like to discuss further to see if I can help. I’ve followed up with you via email so that we can discuss this further and I can share your feedback with our development team. Hope to hear from you soon! - Alex, Shopify Support