Monks Bouffe - Trust Based Organics review for InstaBuy Quick Order Forms
Nov. 30, 2022
Experimented with other apps too. Found this one to be the most modifiable and less confusing to buyers. The only drawback is it doesn't give analytics about how many viewed or bought using this app.
Thanks for your review! We don't provide in-app analytics because for privacy reasons we've chosen not to access your customer data or use cookies. If you have Google Analytics, an add-to-cart event will be generated automatically when InstaBuy adds items to the cart so you can segment visitors using the app that way. If you're not using Google Analytics, we can add some custom code for you which will apply "InstaBuy" as a field to your orders so you can see which orders were generated using the app -- get in touch at [email protected] and we can set this up for you at no cost.