Invoice Pilot: Smart Invoicing
Your automated, global and affordable invoicing platform
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Reviews Summary
Overall, the reviews for this Shopify App are mixed. On the positive side, users find the app easy to use and intuitive. They appreciate its simplicity and compare it favorably to other similar apps. However, there are some negative aspects mentioned in the reviews. One user encountered a 502 Bad Gateway error when trying to send invoices to customers, and expressed frustration with the lack of response from customer support. Another user reported that the app is not functioning due to a security issue and expressed concern about not being able to reinstall it. Additionally, one user mentioned that the app does not handle page breaks well for invoices with multiple items. Despite these issues, the app has received positive feedback for its usability and simplicity.
Rating Breakdown
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June 13, 2023
L'application à l'air bonne, facile à utiliser mais lorsque je clique sur envoyer la facture au client j'ai ce message qui s'affiche : 502 Bad Gateway nginx/1.14.0 (Ubuntu) J'espère que le service client me répondra, sinon je chercherais une autre app similaire dommage...
July 5, 2022
Hi. Your app is not fonctionning anymore due to a security matter. What is going on? We can't enter into the app and install it back?
July 1, 2022
Bei Rechnungen mit vielen Positionen gibt es keinen sauberen Seitenumbruch. Sehr schade, dass der Support nicht im Chat und auch nicht auf Tickets antwortet. Coole App, miserabler Service.
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