![Jianying for Shopify](https://cdn.shopify.com/app-store/listing_images/c40aeab8cc5b233e89ef1509b5a38896/icon/CNzxnNvRmPoCEAE=.png)
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Reviews Summary
Jianying is a comprehensive solution for ecommerce merchants dealing with small-batch orders, low inventory, and production based on sales. It offers visual supply chain management to control delivery progress effectively, reducing errors and improving customer satisfaction. Jianying supports multiple cross-border ecommerce platforms like Shopify, AliExpress, eBay, and Amazon, integrates with various Chinese logistics service providers, automates optimal logistics selection based on order rules, and provides detailed inventory and factory production management processes. Additionally, it includes package tracking, sales performance analysis, and fast supply chain management. However, there are not enough reviews to analyze at the moment.
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