Leopards Courier Integration
Leopards courier services integration for parcel bookings
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Reviews Summary
The reviews for the app are overwhelmingly positive, with users praising its efficiency and speed in generating labels for parcel bookings. Users appreciate the seamless experience provided by the app, especially when working with specific courier services like Leopards Courier. However, there is a common request for an additional feature that would automate the process of sending booking information and tracking numbers to customers, reducing the need for manual communication.
Rating Breakdown
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May 29, 2023
apps is working best but there is only one feature you have to add which is when we book a parcel of any customer,then there should be option or something which will send information of booking parcel along with tracking number so that we dont need to send them manually...
Jan. 5, 2022
Loved this app made by Moose Commerce. Its fast and smooth. Makes label quickly and without any error. I highly recommend this app to all other shopify users who are working with Leopards Courier. Thanks to Moose Commerce
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