MSY Dropshipping for Shopify

MSY Dropshipping

Europe's Dropshipping Solution for Winning Products

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Reviews Summary

The reviews for the Shopify App are mixed, with both positive and negative feedback. Positive aspects include quick and professional customer support, easy product addition, multilingual functionality, no monthly fees, and quality products. On the other hand, negative themes in the reviews include issues with dropshipping support termination without proper notice, lack of automatic order status updates, inventory inaccuracies leading to customer dissatisfaction, and difficulties in working with the app due to requirements like having a TVA number. Some users also mentioned the app not functioning properly, with problems related to importing products and a lack of customer service availability.


Positive aspects include quick and professional customer support, easy product addition, multilingual functionality, no monthly fees, and quality products.
Negative themes include issues with dropshipping support termination without proper notice, lack of automatic order status updates, inventory inaccuracies leading to customer dissatisfaction, and difficulties in working with the app due to requirements like having a TVA number.
Some users also mentioned the app not functioning properly, with problems related to importing products and a lack of customer service availability.

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