Evolution Power Tools UK review for Equate ‑ Product Compare
July 6, 2022
Almost perfect. This is a great little application for enhancing your conversion rate by helping your customers to select the product that is right for them via a simple graphic interface. It has a low resource overhead, negligible impact on page load speeds and it's reasonably extensible with a decent selection of graphic styling options that can be easily enhanced with a bit of CSS styling. It's missing the ability to choose to only display some products in a specific category within the compare app. for example I don't want to display all the tool accessories in the compare app, even though they are part of my tool category/collection. if you could choose a different display priority for the product drop down list that would be cool. ie I use display 'by best-selling' in all my product collections as that converts most, but for a drop down text selection alphabetical order is much more useable. Those two feature ads would make a very good app perfect... * Already had a a reply to my feature add suggestion... The team has earned the extra star.....
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