Product Countdown Pro
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Rating Breakdown
Jan. 21, 2024
been using it for years, but now i find out how much been hurting load time, and how much code it has put in that cant work out if an uninstall will clean it up. also now compatibility issues means it doesnt work all time time, just randomly.
Jan. 12, 2023
A promessa é bem boa. Porem acho que deva estar com algum erro. Não consegui configurar. Na pagina inicial, ele já aparece pra instalar um código que dá erro na instalação. Se conseguirem me dar um feedback, agradeceria muito. Com certeza posso mudar essa nota.
June 13, 2020
Still navigating through but seems great so far. Will continue to work with and hopefully have conversion.
Feb. 4, 2020
It does not work at all. It's a waste of time. I would give it 0 stars if possible. It does not work at all. It's a waste of time. I would give it 0 stars if possible.
You only install this app for 1 minute and then remove it. Your online store is also not working right now. I think this user is from a business rival.
Jan. 30, 2020
Only app that allow to add on each product for free but I still didn't see the timer after reinstalling it
Aug. 14, 2019
kkkjjikoion ur4u cu4 u4h uh uhrg eiguh eruihg r uergy rg eruh erg eruh 9eru 8her erh erghgh ugr fv . g b g
July 11, 2019
I tried to use this app, but I was not able, because it asked me for rewiev all the time :) So i hope after I did a review, I vill abel to use ir
March 7, 2019
Amazing app and support. I got a reply within an hour and Chris made an update to the app to address my issue.
Thanks for the five-stars review :)
July 12, 2018
This App is really working great, i sent to developer some tips to improve...now will see on distance the results.
Thanks for your review! We love to hear from our customers to improve the app :)