Hextom: Quick Announcement Bar
Shopify native App - Quick Announcement Bar by Hextom
All reviews
Rating Breakdown
April 16, 2018
So far so very good. Missing a few options for more customization of the bar. Something as simple as bigger spacing is not working really - Why not add the option for extra buttons?
March 16, 2018
Gostei muito uma pena que não tem como colocar imagem do produto na mensagem com o plano grátis, seria melhor pra medir os resultados.
March 13, 2018
Easy set-up & options...but before I could even test it or see it in live view, I was asked to post this review.
Feb. 4, 2018
I am new and testing it out. Suggested to leave a review after a month of use and not at the initial trial.
Jan. 11, 2018
1/10/18 Trying to use announcement bar again and same issue. It doesn’t display at the top of the screen. Ongoing issue. Requesting help again..... hoping they can resolve this again?! 12/14/17 This is a great app! I had a few issues that I couldn’t fix on my own but after emailing for help they were very quick to help and everything looks great! Very friendly service! Thank you
Nov. 30, 2017
Works great on the computer, not so great on mobile. I can't get the announcement bar to show up on mobile unless I place it "at the bottom" which looks cheesy, but will do for now.
Sept. 21, 2017
Trying it out now for the first time!, so far so good, just created my first shipping bar.
June 4, 2017
Great Product-BUT Banner Blocks the top of you page in the mobile version. So beware to test it in both version before just adding it.
April 14, 2017
the app hung after 10 mins, i couldnt make edits to the announcement bar. had to de-activate.
March 27, 2017
Nice and lovely bar....easy to use, however I am not sure how effective it is as previously I did it when only few traffics to the site.
Feb. 27, 2017
Nice and quick to install and easy to insert data. It would be great to be able to preview ho the bar would look like before saving it. Thank you.
Jan. 15, 2017
cool little app to help direct my customers to my specific clothing collection.