らんキィ ‑ シンプル会員ランク&会員証 for Shopify

らんキィ ‑ シンプル会員ランク&会員証

【Shopify会員ランクアプリ】らんキィ - シンプル会員ランク&会員証|7日間の無料体験







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The らんキィ - シンプル会員ランク&会員証 Shopify app allows ecommerce merchants to create a membership rank program based on customer purchase amounts and frequencies. It offers the ability to display membership cards on the store's account page without any coding required, making it easy to set up and use. The app automatically calculates membership ranks for individual customers based on their past purchase amounts and frequencies, and it enables the addition of membership cards to the My Page section with no coding necessary. Additionally, the assigned membership ranks are stored in metafields, allowing integration with external apps for enhanced customer experiences, such as loyalty point programs and subscription apps.

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