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3 / 5 Share

Feb. 11, 2025

Honestly great analytics system. They've done a really great job. However, I cant give 5 stars It loses 1 star because there is no way to export reports And 1 star due to the lack of custom automated email reports We'll update our rating as these get added.

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5 / 5 Share

April 18, 2024

Virker super godt, og har hjulpet rigtig meget på vores tracking og beslutningstagning på digital markedsføring, email og meget andet!

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6 months

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5 / 5 Share

Feb. 26, 2024

Reaktion is a game-changer for our ad campaigns on Google and Facebook. The setup is straightforward, no coding needed, and it gives us a clear view of what's really driving our sales. We've seen a noticeable increase in tracked sales, which has directly boosted our profits. It's a must-have for any marketer looking to get real insights into their ad performance and improve their bottom line. Highly recommended!

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About 1 year

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5 / 5 Share

Feb. 9, 2024

Reaktion is such a great tool for any ecommerce business that wants to understand their numbers on a deeper and more in-depth level. It has helped us to gain an understanding on where to put our focus in terms of marketing channels. Not only is the software user friendly and intuitive, it's also a great way to track everything. Their attribution setting system is simply top tier. On top of everything, the team is always there to help if you have any questions or suggestions. Would highly recommend Reaktion to everyone.

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6 months

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5 / 5 Share

July 19, 2023

Our experience with Reaktion at Boom Butik has been very good. With its intuitive and user-friendly interface, server-side-tracking has been simple and efficient. Furthermore, we have used the profit overview feature. This has shifted our focus from revenue to profit in marketing strategy optimization, giving us an edge in a competitive market. The customer support team at Reaktion stands ready to assist, enhancing our overall experience with the software. In short, Reaktion's powerful features and excellent service make it a five-star asset for any business seeking growth and profitability.

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10 minutes

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5 / 5 Share

May 25, 2023

Reaktion is a remarkable tool that has significantly enhanced my e-commerce business. With its marketing tracking, attribution, and real-time dashboard capabilities, it has become an essential part of my operations. The ability to optimize marketing campaigns for profit, calculate CLV/LTV, and build look-alike audiences based on profits has proven invaluable for increasing profitability. Reaktion's seamless integration with popular advertising platforms and automated reporting features have streamlined my workflows. If you're seeking to scale your e-commerce business and boost profits, Reaktion is a game-changer. Highly recommended!

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8 months

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5 / 5 Share

May 24, 2023

"Reaktion" er et fantastisk IT-program til tracking, der har imponeret mig med sin effektivitet og brugervenlighed. På trods af sin enkelhed formår det at levere en kraftfuld og pålidelig løsning til at overvåge og spore forskellige processer. Programmets brugergrænseflade er enkel og intuitiv, hvilket gør det let at navigere og få adgang til de nødvendige funktioner. Selv for brugere uden stor teknisk erfaring er det hurtigt at lære og begynde at anvende. Det er en stor fordel, da det sparer tid og mindsker indlæringskurven.



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5 months

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5 / 5 Share

May 24, 2023

Verdens bedste værktøj inden for tracking og økonomisk overblik til alle Ecommerce-forretninger. Vi er ekstrem glade for at bruge værktøjet og bruger det på tværs af alle vores Ecommerce-kunder. Founders bagved lytter og implementerer de råd man kommer med, hvilket er meget værdsat.

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5 months

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5 / 5 Share

Dec. 9, 2022

We have now been using Reaktion for 4 months and this is just what we have waited for. As a +10m dollar ecommerce, we need to know what marketing channels and assets works, but have not been able to untill we started with Reaktion. I really like the way reaktion shows us click rate, ROAS and seen-through% for each of our content, so we can make more of the content that works. And then we use the blended roas a lot to decide which channels should have more budget and which shouldnt.

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3 months

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5 / 5 Share

Dec. 6, 2022

Et system der er utroligt nemt at navigere i da det er flot og grafisk sat op. Derudover lever det op til alle forventninger og giver mig og vores samarbejdspartner det komplette overblik over forretning.

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About 1 month

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5 / 5 Share

Sept. 30, 2022 is the absolute best dashboard I have ever used (and i've used a lot). My entire business was mapped out with ease (initial setup took less than 10 minutes). Scrutinizing data has never been easier. The last thing I do every night before bedtime is checking todays sales through I will HIGHLY recommend to all Shopify users


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3 months

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5 / 5 Share

Nov. 12, 2021

This service has helped us so much. It has given us a super good overview of our marketing initiatives and what works. We have been able to analyze our sales much more efficiently and have been able to screw up our activities where we know it makes sense - backed by data. I can only recommend anyone with a webshop to use this app!

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