Nimstrata Search & Discovery for Shopify

Nimstrata Search & Discovery

Retail Cloud Connect by Nimstrata - Product Discovery AI









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Reviews Summary

Retail Cloud Connect by Nimstrata offers a fully-managed service that connects stores to Google Cloud Vertex AI for enhanced product search and discovery. The app, developed by Nimstrata, a certified Google Cloud partner, syncs Shopify catalogs with Google Cloud to provide AI-powered search, browse, and recommendations on storefronts, promising increased conversions and reduced search abandonment. However, there are not enough reviews to analyze at the moment.

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5 / 5 Share

May 31, 2024

The app and the support has honestly been the best we have ever had from a shopify app. The knoweldge of the team members and support we get regularly is worth every penny. More importantly, we saw the results!!! The performance of the search has given us a very solid uptick in add-to-carts and performance overall has far outweighed the cost. Over time the results should just get better and better as more data is collected. You can make major upgrades and improvements to your site based on the data collected so we do see this as a long term solution to increase our ROI and user experience. Thank you guys!

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5 / 5 Share

Jan. 23, 2024

Nimstrata's Retail Cloud Connect is a game-changer for any Shopify store looking to level up its online shopping experience. By bridging the gap between our store and Google Cloud Discovery AI, we've seen a significant transformation in how our customers interact with our products. The search and recommendation capabilities powered by Google's AI have led to a smoother, more engaging shopping journey for our customers - especially compared against other similar Shopify apps. What really stands out about this app is the ease of integration. We were able to install it quickly on our existing OS2 theme using App Blocks. The Nimstrata team was excellent at helping us with implementation - allowing us to better match our brand and make for an easier migration to the app. One of the most valuable aspects we've noticed is the significant improvement in our merchandising efforts. Adding AI-powered browsing to our collection pages has simplified our merchandising process, allowing us to focus more on what matters - our customers and products. Moreover, maintaining full control of our data and merchandising settings in Google Cloud gives us peace of mind and flexibility in how we present our inventory. In terms of cost-effectiveness, Nimstrata has truly democratized access to high-level AI and ML capabilities. We didn't have to invest heavily in machine learning expertise or tools, yet we are reaping the benefits of an advanced AI solution that has positively impacted our conversion rates and reduced search abandonment. The support and expertise provided by the Nimstrata team are commendable. Their proactive approach and readiness to assist have made our journey with Retail Cloud Connect not just successful but enjoyable and we're proud to have been involved in the early testing phases as a client. In summary, if you're looking to improve your store's search and discovery experience with powerful AI capabilities without the heavy lift, Nimstrata's Retail Cloud Connect is definitely worth considering. It's an investment that will definitely pay off. We truly appreciate all the help from Sebastian, James, and Jason - along with their drive to ensuring the implementation was a success and I hope to keep in touch with them throughout our long-term partnership throughout their growth as a startup.



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