Sameday delivery app
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Reviews Summary
The reviews for the Sameday Shopify integration app are mixed, with some users experiencing issues with the functionality and compatibility of the app. One common theme among the negative reviews is the difficulty in setting up the app and encountering errors during the integration process. Users have reported problems with order fulfillment, language and market customizations, as well as communication issues with the support team. On the positive side, some users have praised the app for its error fixes and successful usage after initial troubleshooting. Additionally, there are mentions of successful integration with different Shopify plans and specific shipping rates like EasyBox.
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June 23, 2024
The Shopify integration of Sameday shipping services is absolutely subpar. It should be re-written from the ground-up and taking into consideration the following: - fulfilment: should be done with one click, from within the order, not from the app. The app itself is just for general settings, not for order fulfilment - languages and markets customisations: Sameday is a regional player already, you are operating in few markets, also making cross-border shipments and the app settings should reflect this. Options for language settings, currency settings for COD are absolutely a must!!! I will not go into more details for each problem I have found by using the app for several months now as there are so many improvement to be done. In general, I hope that Sameday will allocate just a minor share of their overall huge investments to software and especially in this Shopify app, The way this integration works now is surely not user-friendly (and by user I mean the merchants) and not suitable for shops with more than couple of orders per day.
May 28, 2024
Buna ziua, Am o problema cu codul dvs pe care l-am adaugat in shopify. Eu folosesc aplicatia dvs. de cateva luni bune. Acum, shopify a facut cateva modificari in pagina de Checkout, iar codul dvs. nu mai functioneaza. Am luat legatura cu shopify si mi-au zis ca samedayapp nu s-a updatat la noile modificari facute de ei, ceva de genul. V-am lasat si un emai. Mersi.
March 25, 2024
- la Settings daca nu completezi campul Locker Max Items nu te poti autentifica - serverul returneaza eroare 422 - la activarea unui Serviciu, aveti formularea: "Free price - Complete with 0 if you don't want to give free price" ... Zero daca nu vreau Free Price? si daca vreau Free Price completez cu 100 ??
Buna ziua, Campul Free Price se refera la pragul de gratuitate pentru produsele din cos. In momentul in care produsele din cos ating sau depasesc pragul setat de dumneavoastra, livrarea devine gratuita. In cazul in care nu doriti sa oferiti un prag de gratuitate, completati campul cu 0. O zi buna!
March 22, 2024
Incerc de cateva ore bune sa iau legatura cu echipa de la [email protected] dar nu imi raspunde nimeni. Am incercat cu cei din chat suportul de la shopify sa setam livrarea in easy box si la domiciliu, dar la livrare in easybox nu ne apare optiunea de a selecta locatia locker. Mai jos va transmit tot ce mi au comunicat si incercat cei de la shopify: So here is the problems that i see. The checkout additional scripts are not working even though we followed their instruction. We made some adjustments too. but their javascript is not working in our checkouts, here are the corrections that we made, allow me to list this down Adjusted the shipingMethodId to shippingMethodId : due to spelling error; did not work Adjusted the shipingMethodId to MethodId following one of the comments in the app ; did not work Upon doing the adjustments above we made sure that the changes was applied to the wholes snippet; did not work Tried removing the other ShippingMethodID and left the Easybox to see if it will work; did not work tried adjusting the ID to and make sure that it is case sensitive Easybox, easyBox, EasyBox; none of them worked. attempted to identify the script and adjust some settings like the style display, adjusted it to these values; block, inline, flex; no changes
March 15, 2024
Error fixed by Sameday admin team After successful authentication, when i press "refresh services" i get the error message below; I cleared my browser cookies and cache, tried a different browser - no result "Oops! An Error Occurred The server returned a "500 Internal Server Error". Something is broken. Please let us know what you were doing when this error occurred. We will fix it as soon as possible. Sorry for any inconvenience caused."
Hi, This type of errors need to be checked case by case. Please write us an email at [email protected] and we will check the details. In your email, please add the name of your company, the Sameday username and printscreens from the app (Settings tab and the Services tab). Thank you! Sameday APP Support team
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