Simplified Social Marketing for Shopify

Simplified Social Marketing

All in one AI powered marketing app to grow faster....









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Reviews Summary

Customers have praised Simplified for its user-friendly design tools and AI-powered features that make social media marketing easier. They also appreciate the dedicated support team. However, there are not enough reviews to analyze right now.

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5 / 5 Share

Sept. 21, 2022

This first review is coming in well deserved. I joined Simplified a few weeks ago and what an AMAZING Platform it is! I do the majority of my own marketing and prior to Simplified, I was using multiple softwares to achieve the same results, which ended up costing me $190 each month (5 Apps). The Business plan provides me with all the tools I was using with previous apps and so much more for $50 month!!!! Annually the cost is $30 per month, which is mind blowing to me. Support is A+, each time I have reached out to support, KD who is the founder, has been there to answer my questions and concerns almost immediately every time. The facebook group is very active with answering questions and adding new features every single week! Now since i can connect my shopify store I'm able to create images for my website, socials & create ads without having to go through multiple apps. So if you are like me and are not very familiar with video editing, Ai writing, social scheduling and so much more then make the switch today. I promise you will be glad you did. The Tutorials/Academy makes it where anyone can learn. Simplified is my go to and I am very grateful that it is "simplifying" my e-commerce journey. Keep up the amazing work guys!

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7 months

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