Six Nine Sneaker review for Spiff 3D Product Customization
Aug. 27, 2020
It took me time to write a review for Spiff's 3D Product Customizer. Not that the app is not answering our needs, on the contrary! If you were to discover a gold mine, would you share your discovery with potential competitors? Of course not! But if the true secret of this gold mine was that, the more people comes, the more gold it produces, what about now? Shadi and Spiff are more than a SAAS provider, they would go a long way to completely satisfy you, help you develop your customer's experience and go the extra mile for you. And their tool is as powerful as a big brand's own 3D visualizer that had costed them thousands of dollars, well, here you'll be paying 2 coffees per day to use it, how good is that? So go with all your confidence, you'll be in good hands.
All good things come to those who wait and your feedback is worth waiting for! You have been an excellent customer who have pushed us to do better work. The whole team here thanks you for your support

A product customizer in 3D - End to End Personalization