fishbelly Berlin review for Genie Store Pickup
Feb. 20, 2021
Deinstallation did not work, still some remaing assets which are slowing down my page extremly. Waiting now for CS to help. -------------------------------------- Here Genie CS's update what to do: "Please follow the following steps to make sure that everything is deleted out from your store: 1) Remove the {% include 'genie-store-pickup' %} line from your Layout > theme.liquid file. 2) Remove the line from your Sections > cart-template.liquid file. 3) Delete the Snipets > genie-store-pickup.liquid file. 4) Delete the Assets > genie-storepickup.scss file. 5) Delete the Assets > genie-storepickup.js file. 6) Delete the Assets > genie-storepickup-vender.js file. 7) Delete the Locales > en-GP.json file. Here is the guide as well that we have included in our application. "
Hi, I hope you are doing well. Our assets can not slow down any page because they are not used when the application has been uninstalled. As soon as the application gets uninstalled Shopify removes our access. That's why we are not able to delete any assets. The issue might be coming because of another code in your store. We can check your store for you that why it's getting slow. Thank you Ali