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1 / 5 Share

Feb. 14, 2023

Eine Absolute Katastrophen, Nicht umsonst hat Teezily bei Trustpilot 2,9 Sterne bei über 42.000 Bewertungen. So wie die Kunden unzufrieden sind so sind auch die Partner unzufrieden. Man weiß gar nicht wo man anfangen soll. 1. Unser Kunde hat das Paket nicht erhalten. DHL konnte es nicht zustellen. Die Ware ist zurück gegangen an Teezily. Teezily weigert sich die Ware nochmal zu versenden, oder an unser zu versenden oder das Geld zu erstatten. Teezily behält also die Ware und das Geld ein wenn die Ware nicht zugestellt werden kann. DAs betrifft ca. 5-10% alle Bestellungen. Auch wenn der Kunde sich bei der Adresse vertippt hat, vergessen hat abzuholen oder ähnliches. Teezily behält die Ware und das Geld. Und man muss es entweder neu Bestellen, neu Zahlen oder den Kunden das Geld erstattet. So oder so macht man hier Verluste. 2. Dier miserable support. Wir wissen nicht was für unkompetente Mitarbeiter dort sitzen, aber es wird einfach nach der zweiten Anfrage nicht mehr geantwortet. Und nochmal: Wir sind b2b und nicht b2c. Man merket hier deutlich warum Teezily bei 42.000 Bewertungen bei Trustpilot 2,9 Sterne hat. Einfache Katastrophe. 3. Wir brauchen Rechnungen für das Finanzamt. Wer bei Teezily Partner wird kann es vergessen Rechnungen zu erhalten. Teezily erstellt keine Rechnungen für ihre Partner und reagiert einfach auf keine Anfragen. Wir haben diesen Vorfall bereits an das Ddutsche Finanzamt gemeldet und es wird an das Französische Finanzamt weitergegeben, dass hier keine Rechnungen im b2b Bereich erstellt werden. 4. Viele kommen als b2b zu Teezily wegen den günstigen Preisen. Das stimmt auch. Teezily bietet recht günstige Preise an. ABER. Jetzt kommt der Trick. Normalerweise macht man mehr Gewinne wenn ein Kunde im Shop 2,3,4,5 mal vom gleichen Artikel kauft, denn man kann dann am Versand sparen. Nicht so bei Teezily . Teezily verschickt alle Pakete immer einzelnen und berechnet für jedes die kompletten Versandkosten. Absoluter Witz. Wenn man also vom gleichen Artikel an die gleiche Personen mehrere Verkauft, verdient man dabei aber nicht mehr Geld, weil auf jede Ware die gesamten Versandkosten berechnet werden. 5. Nochmal zu betonen ist wirklich der unterirdische Support. Es wird alles abgeblockt und einfach nicht mehr geantwortet. Es ist klar warum bereits 40.000 Personen das Unternehmen so schlecht bewertet haben. Bevor man sich hier entscheiden sollte mit Teezily Plus zu arbeiten, sollte man unbedingt die Kundenbewertungen anschauen. Willst du deinen Kunden ein Produkt verkaufen was bereits von so viele Personen so schlecht bewerten wurde? 6. Die Druckqualität ist unterer durchschnitt. Die Bilder sehen wir abgewaschen und lange getragen aus. Mann könnte damit leben, wenn alles andere stimmen würde. Aber wir raten dringend ab teezely zu benutzen.

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5 / 5 Share

Nov. 11, 2021

This is the first time I use Teezily Plus but i highly recommend this app. This app is easy to use and the quality of the shirt is good.

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10 months

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5 / 5 Share

Nov. 10, 2021

I have been using Teezily plus for more than 1 year and I am very satisfied with Teezily's service. First of all the quality of the shirt is excellent at a reasonable price, my clients are all satisfied with Teezily's shirt quality and print quality. Teezily's printing network is everywhere from EU, US, AU, Canada so it's easy to sell in all countries with super fast production and shipping time. Support for translation across languages in Europe makes campaigning convenient. The best thing about Teezily is the enthusiastic and very friendly support team. Thank you Teezily. <3

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5 / 5 Share

Oct. 20, 2021

This app is free, easy to use and integrate. We use them for our brand because of their good quality, competitive price, and great support from the Teezily plus team. Thanks to their printers network in US, EU and Australia, we are able to sell our products worldwide. Highly recommend to everyone!

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5 / 5 Share

Oct. 15, 2021

To be honest, this app is perfect for sellers in the Print-On-Demand domain! It allows me to just need focusing on creating, selling my designs and scale the business cause they will take care very well the hard and consuming-time parts which are the fulfillment, customer services ... Thank you Teezily!

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2 days

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5 / 5 Share

Oct. 4, 2021

Great app! Easy to integrate and use. Shipping fast and great quality. Amazing customer service as well!

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10 months

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5 / 5 Share

Oct. 4, 2021

Fast delivery in the USA and Europe with great quality. Also, the pricing and margins are fantastic. They also have very helpful support. Thanks!

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1 day

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5 / 5 Share

Oct. 4, 2021

Fast delivery in the USA and Europe with great quality. The pricing and margins are fantastic. They also have very helpful support.

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3 months

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5 / 5 Share

Jan. 6, 2021

Very great price, shipping fast and great quality ! I use teezily for my POD products and highly recommend it if you are looking for a provider with very good prices

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3 months

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5 / 5 Share

Nov. 17, 2020

Teezily Plus is an easy to use service and fast turnaround times which made it even better! Will definitely use it again.

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10 months

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2 / 5 Share

Sept. 6, 2019

Teezily is hard to judge. 2 stars seems fair at this stage as their pros are very high but their cons are so bad that they are still for me behind some major POD platforms. That's a real pity because with very easy little changes to implement in the way they operate and in the awful way they approach customer service, they would clearly be the best POD platform in Europe. Pros - The mockup tool is fairly easy to use. - The Production team is really professional; quality of print is in general very good. - Shipping times to Europe/US are great. - And the best for the end, their prices are unbeatable. Cons - One of their weakest point is probably their Customer Service. They are either terribly slow or never come back to you. The ease to get documents such as invoices, products information (brand, composition, size guide etc.) or help in case of technical problem ranges from extremely hard to impossible. The only human being working in this department signing his message with his name was Stephen (but he's gone) and now the communication with CS is slow, cold, impersonal are rarely helpful. It really looks like nobody's in charge and it looks frankly bad. - The quality of product is most of the time ok but not always. I received once a Large Navy Hoodie that was ridiculously thin and small sized. You have no visibility on what you send to your clients in term of brand/quality. - You can archive but cannot delete your creatives which is really annoying and confusing when ordering manually. - Their mockup tool does not allow you to centre or align your creative properly. - Their range of products is not the widest (e.g no mugs, hats, bags etc..) - No possibility to get access to your invoices online, meaning chasing the Finance department for weeks to get them. Nerve wrecking… - Last but not least, Teezily Plus does not provide a white label service as most POD platforms do. Teezily Plus address is mentioned on the packaging as the sender address. Teezily might benefit very little from this and this is clearly very harmful to Shopify sellers. Awkward...

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Over 3 years

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1 / 5 Share

May 21, 2018

Customer support is terrible, I have tries to contact them several times to cancel an order and have questions about shipping date, but never got answer

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2 months

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5 / 5 Share

March 8, 2018

Excellente app, service client au top surtout Stephen qui s'occupe de moi à la moindre question ! Je recommande ;)

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10 months

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5 / 5 Share

Feb. 27, 2018

Teezily+ est vraiment l'appli qu'il vous faut pour du POD. Les produits sont de très bonnes qualités, les prix TRES bas, les delais de livraisons en France, courts. L'application en elle même est facile à prendre en main, bien optimisée... Pour finir mention d'excellence au SAV, le moindre problème est réglé en direct sur Facebook par le staff ( j'ai eu une réponse en 30mn un dimanche...). Bref, application incontournable pour le POD en France. Merci

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Over 1 year

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5 / 5 Share

Feb. 26, 2018

Fast delivery in the USA and Europe with great quality. Also, the pricing and margins are fantastic. They also have very helpful support. Thanks!

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2 months

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5 / 5 Share

Feb. 26, 2018

Kompetente Leute, Lösungsorientiert, hilfsbereit und auch schnell. Besser geht es kaum!!

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About 1 month

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5 / 5 Share

Feb. 22, 2018

Best and the most cost effective Print on Demand provider on Shopify i must say. They have really fast shipping times and no complaints from my customers regarding the quality of products or shipping times. Over the top they have a great support team that reply's almost instantly and helps you with any problem.

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Almost 2 years

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5 / 5 Share

Feb. 21, 2018

The service is awesome, I am working with TZ+ since its launch, they maintain super quality , prices is also very affordable and the best thing is if somehting went wrong with your order they will reprint and sned it agian and again, so there services is more than 5stars. Thanks for the service Love TZ+

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Over 6 years

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1 / 5 Share

Jan. 31, 2018

Don't waste your time. This app is a TOTAL rip off. You WILL lose you money!!!

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19 days

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5 / 5 Share

Jan. 29, 2018

Le Meilleur site de Print on Demand en Europe. Une équipe vraiment sympa et réactive et des prix hyper compétitifs. Que demander de plus ? :)

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