XO Image styles
Resize and beautify product photos in seconds
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Reviews Summary
The reviews for this Shopify App are mostly positive, highlighting its user-friendly layout and high loading speed. Users appreciate its efficiency in managing stores and its ability to resize images effectively. However, there are some issues reported, such as the 'apply to all products' feature not working as expected and the need for more control over image sizes. Despite these drawbacks, the app is praised for delivering on its promises and being a valuable tool for product tagging and vendor management.
Rating Breakdown
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May 15, 2024
This app is very user-friendly with an easy-to-use layout. The high loading speed makes it quick and efficient to use. Overall, it’s great for managing your store smoothly.
June 18, 2023
I've tried over 10 image resizing apps to make everything square but I have over 20,000 products so paying per cents doesn't cut it as it would costs thousands.. for the monthly price..its a good deal.. and it WORKS! the only problem is the apply to app products doesn't seem to work I left running for a couple of days and nothing seem to change..unless you do it by vendor or collection.. thank you
March 22, 2023
The application is as good as is it is in the description . You can set for product tags or product vendor
Feb. 18, 2023
Took a chance with no reviews - turns out it's one of the only apps that does exactly what it says. I had some huge images that needed to be reduced in pixel size, it did the job. - Would like more control over image size other than ratio - "All products" didn't populate a lot of my products, but I was able to select them by vendor instead. Not ideal, but got the job done.
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