Apntly Appointment Booking App
Manage appointments, services, and events on your calendar
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Rating Breakdown
Oct. 6, 2022
J'ai téléchargé cette application et elle fonctionne pour moi. J'essayais de passer au plan PRO où il est indiqué un essai gratuit de 14 jours. Lorsque j'ai essayé de mettre à niveau, il me montre 1 jour d'essai. Je n'utiliserai pas cette application à moins que vous ne me donniez un essai de 14 jours
TLDR; This is a fake shop leaving 1-star reviews to demote the app. This shop left a 1-star fake review on another app in this category too. The founder also mentioned in reply that is a fake review. Our app got attacked with 7 fake by fake 1-star reviews last year. Out of this, Shopify removed 5 fake reviews. There are 2 left and we will get those removed too. (Other one is Clover London) One of the competitors in the Appointment category is posting those fake reviews to demote our app. According to Shopify, they are investigating the matter to keep the platform legit and trustworthy. I wish we will find the culprit soon
Sept. 24, 2022
Unfortunate this app doesn’t work for me. No mobile app or document uploading that is required for my business
Hi, You have installed the app for 15 minutes. Uninstalled it after it. Haven't set up any service in the app. Haven't initiated any chat support or contacted email support. We even sent you a mail after this review, explaining app features but still no response. 1) How are you able to know app capabilities without even setting up a service? 2) We have a separate team member dashboard and have the capability to log in to the dashboard outside of Shopify. Having this capability why will you require a separate app to do the same? Good luck with the business model you are running on.
April 22, 2022
I tried app and works fine but the pricing show is incorrect. I see highest plan to be $9 in website but when go to purchase i see $15. Got approval from boss but now i do again. Show correct pricing
Hi, When you installed the app the pricing was $9 and $15. A few days back we dropped the pricing and made it $5 and $9. As you have installed it before the app was showing you old prices. If you install now, you will get $5 and $9 plans only. We apologize for the inconvenience caused to you and have no intent to overcharge you. Please reach out to us at [email protected] and we can get on the call to setup the again as per your requirements again
April 7, 2022
Unfortunately this app is not what I'm looking for. It's does not offer subscription or documents uploads. Not useful for my business.