Petstylish review for Hextom: Bulk Image Edit & SEO
Nov. 7, 2016
this is good app for doing basic image editing: crop, resize, change canvas etc. I like it, and it's exactly what I need. Unfortunately, there aren't enough options for selecting specific images. The filters are almost too basic. You will quickly outgrow the app. For instance, I want to find images with a certain ratio....images that aren't square. I can't select a single images out from the search. Would also be nice to select the images you want to edit instead of selecting all the images in the filter As much as I like it, I will have to look for another app that has the same function, but better image search and selection. Would also be nice to change images that are not part of a collection. For instance, I would like to change all the images associated with a collection (not a product) to be the same size.
Shopify native image App - Bulk Image Edit by Hextom