Jacki's Boutique review for WebAppsLive ‑ Duplicate Finder

5 / 5

Sept. 4, 2021

**EDIT: within 24 hours of posting a review of this app complaining about the new "customer information" permission, I received an email from support politely explaining the process that had happened to cause this addition, and reassuring me that my customers' privacy was safe and that I could reinstall the app. The text of that email is as follows: "Hello Jacki's Boutique Admin, Thanks for posting a comment. I apologize for it. Actually a few weeks ago few of our clients requested us to provide a tool to find duplicate customers based on duplicate phone numbers and duplicate billing addresses in their store. So due to such clients we changed the request permissions to access customers also. Since they needed the customer based tool very very urgently, we changed the default scope to access customers also in hurry. I agree that it should not be done for everyone, but since it was required by them urgently so instead of wasting time in changing it through our core code files we changed it immediately through settings (just by ticking the checkbox in our admin panel). But now we have removed that customer's access permissions. You can use it again without any worry. We are always ready to resolve and fulfil the needs of merchants, you can reach me any time by using the contact information given on the app. I also want to inform you that we do not keep the data of stores on our servers. If you open the sync page of the app then you will find an erase button on that page. If you click on that button then immediately any synced data of the store gets erased from our backend. This also helps us in cleaning/ freeing the space of our server. For the UI, actually we are busy in providing the core functionality based tools. We believe that the needs of merchants should be fulfilled as early as possible by providing them core functional tools. Design of web-pages are not so necessary & required. Merchants are not coming to the app to see fancy parts on our app's pages, they need to do their tasks on a daily basis by using the app. But I agree with you and respect your feedback that UI and flow should be improved. We are working here in our office to improve the UI & flow of the app and will update it continuously. At last I would like to invite you again on the app, You can use it without any worry." I'm quite impressed with their logical explanation and good customer service, for a FREE app nonetheless, and I'll go ahead and reinstall after updating this review.** ORIGINAL REVIEW (now inaccurate): Summary: Functional but now it wants my customers' personal information. Basic functionality was good for a while - not the best UI or procedural flow, but it was free, so that was fine. However, a recent update now has it requesting the following access: "Edit customers This includes: customer data. Duplicate Finder will be able to access personally identifiable information about your customers, including names, email addresses, phone numbers, and physical addresses." This app has NO NEED to access this information, and it is absolutely a security breach for shop owners to provide it to the developers. I will be uninstalling the app entirely unless guarantees are made that my customers' information will NOT be viewed, edited, or accessed in ANY way by this app.

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WebAppsLive ‑ Duplicate Finder for Shopify
WebAppsLive ‑ Duplicate Finder
4.2 star
31 reviews

Find & remove duplicate titles, skus & barcodes

Shopify App Store