TECHCUT Carbide review for Langwill: Language Translate
April 2, 2021
Pretty bad translations and mediocre app overall. Biggest issue is that a lot of the page isn't actually translated. Code issue resolved.
Update: Hi there, May we know which pages aren't translated? We reached you but didn't get your reply. Kindly tell us details about the issue then we can fix it for you. Warm Regards, Zeusir -------------------------------------- Hello there, First of all, thank you for using our app. We understand that you felt dissatisfied with the issue. It's a pity you don't need it anymore. We want to explain that most apps will add configuration files to your store for better service, better speed and better results. Developers will lose access rights when you delete the app. This is why the code is left behind. We set up a one-click delete code button in the FAQ section of the app. It may not be obvious enough for you to notice. To solve the error message displayed on your store, we have sent you an access request. Please accept it if you don't mind, so we can clean all the code for you. Besides, it seems that we have not received any feedback from you during your use of the app. In the small chance that you have any issues, just tell us. We are here to help! Warm Regards, Team Etranslate
Shopify language translator,Shopify translate,currency