Echtheitscheck review for Quizify ‑ Product Quiz Builder
Oct. 29, 2023
In der kostenlosen Version absolute Zeitverschwendung. Man kann es nicht gebrauchen. Macht erst Sinn ab 19,99 Dollar im Monat und dafür ist die UI und die Einstellungsmöglichkeit einfach zu schlecht.
We appreciate your feedback and value your input. While our paid plans offer advanced features, it's important to note that our free plan also provides valuable functionality. Many users are actively utilizing the free version of Quizify with great success. We're committed to creating an app that's user-friendly and accessible to everyone, regardless of their plan. Rest assured, we're continuously working to improve the user interface and settings options to make the experience even better for all our users. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us, and we look forward to providing you with an even more enjoyable experience.
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