review for Saio: Sale ‑ All in one
Jan. 12, 2020
I tried the app three different times, for a 20% sitewide sale, it increased all my prices. Thank gosh for an UNDUE button that reversed this out three times.
Hi, Thanks for reaching out, and thank you for your review. Sorry the app isn't performing the way you were hoping. The app assumes that if there is a price in the "compare at price" field, it is the not-on-sale price, and uses that to calculate the new price. If there is not a number in the "compare at price" field, then the app uses the number in the "price" field as the not-on-sale price to calculate from. We structured our app this way because we've found that trying to calculate new prices from items that are currently on sale creates too much of a mess and too much confusion. I hope that helps, and please let me know if you have any other questions, Eric SAIO Team

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