demosaiiprintsART review for Shuttle ‑ Sync with Etsy
Sept. 7, 2024
an hour after syncing with Etsy 193 listings were deactivated by Etsy. so far I didn't get them back. my Etsy shop is ruined.
Hello, and thank you so much for taking the time to share your feedback! I’m truly sorry to hear about the issue you’ve encountered. I wish you would have contacted us, as we would have been more than happy to assist in resolving it promptly. After reviewing your account, I noticed that there were no updates initiated between your Etsy and Shopify stores while your account was active with us. Additionally, it appears that Shuttle did not interact with your Etsy shop during this period, which indicates that our service may not have been responsible for the deactivation of your products. Since you have not responded to our emails, if you're reading this, I invite you to reach out to us if the products are still inactive. I am sure that we can assist you in resolving the issue, regardless of whether it was related to Shuttle :) Best! Nimo