by HUBENY review for Swap Photo Editor
April 30, 2019
First I was shocked the prices at Shopify are much smaller then prices directly in app once uploaded... As Shopify removed his image editor I was forced to seek other options. Paying full price for the app just to finding out there is not a zoom on the picture in edit mod, app constantly crashes, and takes forever to edit single picture with screen saver that making me feel dizzy. When selected EDIT mod you can apply overlay only rectangular or squere shape not round or oval. (As you know sometimes is very tricky to remove unwanted object from the picture. Pencil would be an option! I am not saying that you should not download! But be ready to deal with app of great potential but still in baby age :)
We offer a free trial and free cash credits for all features in the app, so that users know exactly how it all works before purchase. As for the zoom feature - do you want to make the product in the photo appear larger? If so, we have this tool in our 100% free editor. The tool is called CROP EDGES. Just remove the edges around a photo, and the object will then appear larger in your shop. It's just not called ZOOM, but it's the same exact result without any quality loss.