The Period Pain Co review for tiny Email Marketing

1 / 5

Aug. 3, 2023

The pricing of this app is good and some of the concepts are there too. That is about all. I never leave reviews for apps but I don't want you wasting your time on this... i had to delay a campaign 2 weeks and ended up remaking it in a different email platform (just paid for omnisend) as I could not get this platform to work. Originally it worked in safari, but then the platform stopped loading (just a grey screen). Then it worked in firefox, then it stopped working. Then tried brave and duck duck go's browsers and none of them worked (downloaded extra browsers). So then I tried editing and spending hours on another computer (windows pc) to edit and it worked there. However I had already spent so much time trying to get it working, it was frustrating but i didnt want to lose the time spent (i should have just cut my losses there) I spent the time and got the campaign as I wanted it and tried to send some test emails - all went to spam (ok they are test emails). Then I tried to use the segments - creating inside tinyemail - didnt work. Gave me 0% of the contacts which were meant to be in the segment. Tried by making the segment in shopify and syncing - didnt work again - this time though gave me 25% of the contacts meant to be in the segment. Then my trial ended as i had already used a week just trying to get the platform set up (despite having emailed asking for a trial extention as I couldn't access the platform itself, there was a 'we could do that' reply but no action or reply despite following up). And the whole 'segment' thing stopped working Then I just downloaded the contacts from shopify to upload to tinyemail - that worked. However I then sent another email - just to my own email address as a 'trial run' of the campaign. - Went instantly to spam and the emails preview did not work (the tracking link was showing in the preview, not the preview text). So I contacted support - they suggested try again. So I did that. Same issue - spam and link instead of preview text. I messaged tiny email multiple times over the course of this about all these different issues and i got no support whatsoever - whoever I talked to had no clue and despite me sending multiple screenshots they either did not think it was an issue or asked to 'call me' - what is 'calling me' going to do late on a friday night? I have already spent hours talking to support and trying to get the campaigns set up - i have sent multiple screenshots of the issue. Talking to me on the phone is just going to waste my time. So please do not try downloading it because it is cheaper and lets you send more emails. After i could not solve the issue of it going to spam constantly on many different email addresses (had configured dkim and all - which they have the most confusing guide for btw) and the preview text being a link not the text, I gave up. I paid for omnisend (which i was thinking of changing from) and remade all the emails again there (there were 8 of them). So just don't waste your time here.. they need to 1) fix all these bugs which makes the platform unuseable 2) fix the issues with the preview 3) fix the issues with the segments 4) train their support so they know something about the platform 5) be willing to actually fix issues as opposed to make up reasons it doesnt work or just say it works when it doesnt... And that is not even to start to talk about the bugs in the email editor or with the countdown timer (which kept getting bugs and changing the time).

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Developer Reply

Hello Anne, We appreciate your feedback and take your concerns seriously. It's disheartening to hear about the issues you encountered, and I want you to know that we are committed to addressing these problems and improving our service. Our product, development, and support team are all reviewing your feedback. We, above all, strive as a team to maintain and offer a stable platform and appreciate your feedback on issues you encountered that have affected your experience with our product and company. Email delivery is at the core of what we do. We have reviewed your claims thoroughly. All the tests you sent from our platform were delivered to our seed emails' inboxes. We investigated further and saw high inboxing in our third-party tools for the emails you sent through our application. Our segmentation tool is known as one of the best in the market, and we are disappointed that you did not experience the full benefits of this feature. We apologize for any lack of support you received in fully leveraging this powerful feature. We are reviewing our support procedures and training to ensure our team is well-equipped to assist users with their platform-related queries promptly. We deeply regret the lack of timely and practical support you received. Our support team should have been more responsive and helpful in promptly addressing your concerns. Thank you for bringing these concerns to our attention. Please don't hesitate to reach out with further questions or suggestions. ~ tinyEmail Customer Success

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