AliReviews: AliExpress Reviews
AliReviews - Best Product Reviews App for Shopify
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Oct. 26, 2022
The app refuses to import reviews from Ali express. I don't know what the issue is. I have provided the Ali express link to the product page. I have checked the product has reviews with images but when I import no reviews are portrayed on my end.
Hello, The app is working as expected and the import is working fine, both for AliExpress and Amazon. We have not received any support requests from your registered email address, hence we are not able to check the issue that you have apparently faced. Please send us more details at [email protected] so that we can help you out. Thanks Arpit Team Zegsu
Aug. 2, 2022
Uma vergonha esse aplicativo, hoje pela manhã eu paguei $9.99, o aplicativo não estava funcionando na minha loja, ai então eu desinstalei o aplicativo para instalar novamente e ver se o problema seria resolvido, mas para minha surpresa, quando eu instalei o aplicativo novamente, eles pedem para que eu escolha um plano, o problema é que eu já escolhi um plano e já paguei $9.99 por esse plano, resumindo eu perdi $9.99, mando mensagem no chat mas ninguém me responde, eu não recomendo esse aplicativo!
Olá Emerson, Lamentamos que você tenha enfrentado esse problema. Deixe-me tentar resolver o problema de faturamento primeiro. Ao assinar o plano premium, você precisa aprovar uma cobrança de US$ 9,99. Este é o valor que você será cobrado a cada mês se continuar usando nosso aplicativo no plano premium. Se você desinstalar/reinstalar o aplicativo e for solicitado a aprovar o faturamento novamente, isso não significa que você será cobrado duas vezes. A cobrança é aplicada apenas uma vez - não se preocupe. Para o problema do aplicativo não funcionar, estou aqui para ajudar. Solicitei acesso de funcionário à sua loja. Se você puder verificar seu e-mail e aprová-lo, configurarei pessoalmente o aplicativo para você. Também respondi ao seu chat e respondi ao seu e-mail. Estamos aqui para apoiar você e sua empresa. Por favor, ajude-nos para que possamos ajudá-lo. Por favor, deixe-me saber se você tem alguma dúvida. Obrigado Arpit Equipe Zegsu
July 1, 2022
Im trying to reach the costumer service for quite 4 days. There is no reponse at all and im not on the free version. I pay 10$ for this very simple app and dont get any response of questions. I really dont recommend this app. Its completly buggy and as I said no costumer service. Trust me guys, dont get this app and seach for a alternative.
Dear Merchant, We are extremely sorry for the delay in response. There was an outage with our chat tool and we weren't able to reply to you in a timely manner. Our email support was live though, but since we did not receive an email from you, it took us some time to respond to you once the issue with our chat tool got resolved. That being said, the issue you had was, that you had accidentally deleted a product from your Shopify admin, and with that all of the reviews that you had spent hours translating into German also got deleted. Our team was quick enough to retrieve all of your reviews from our own backup and restore it on your new product. We also got a confirmation from you that the reviews are all restored. We once again apologize for the delay in response and we thank you for your continued support. For any further help, please feel free to reach out to us. We wish you all the success in your business. Thanks Arpit Team Zegsu
May 13, 2022
Usei este app para me ajudar a vender mais e no começo foi muito porém ele parou de funcionar e não entendi até agora o porquê. me deixou na mão. Um verdadeiro descaso com o cliente.
Caro Comerciante, Temos chat ao vivo dedicado e suporte por e-mail para nossos comerciantes. Infelizmente, não recebemos nenhuma solicitação de suporte sua em relação ao seu problema. Posso entender que é frustrante quando o aplicativo não funciona conforme sua necessidade, mas estamos aqui para ajudá-lo com esses problemas. Se você tivesse contatado nossa equipe de bate-papo ao vivo, poderíamos ajudá-lo instantaneamente. Enviei um e-mail para você também. Se você quiser nos dar outra chance, por favor me avise e eu o ajudarei pessoalmente. Obrigado Arpit Equipe Zegsu
Aug. 18, 2021
Reviews are not working in my theme!! How can I solve this??? I need the reviews because I pay for this. Where it is??
Dear Merchant, We are sorry that you had to face this issue. This problem that you are reporting falls under the category of 'custom installation'. You are using a custom theme and with changes that you make to your theme, our app code is modified, resulting in these issues. This is not in our control. We have fixed the issue for you again, as we had done the last time after you had modified your theme. Please check and let me know if it is rectified. If you plan to make any theme changes in the future, and if you run into any issues with the review widget, please drop us an email and we will be glad to assist you with the custom installation. Stay Safe, Arpit Team Zegsu ============= Dear Merchant, We have sent you multiple emails but have not received any response. We would really appreciate it if you could please let us know if the issue is resolved. If you need any further help, please feel free to reach out to us. Thanks Arpit Team Zegsu
Sept. 28, 2020
I added this app to my store, paid for Plus plan, but could not get it to show on my store, bad app :(
Dear Merchant, We are sorry you had to face this issue, however, it's quite strange that your store is password protected and any emails that we send to your email address, requesting for more details ends up being undelivered! We would like to understand what went wrong so that we can fix the issue that you had to face. You have the option to leverage the support tab in our app or directly contact us from Shopify's app dashboard, however, we have not received any support requests from you. We would appreciate if you can send us more details on this issue so that we can look into it. Stay safe! Arpit Zegsu Support