Nov. 4, 2019
I am on the trial currently and i am having the most difficult time with this app. Reasons: * Since the trial started last week, I have wasted DAYS inputting the same information on the same products as the app doesn't seem to want to save my details as it keeps on giving multiple error messages and plus when I compare the details which shopify has, for example 'Meta Description' it hasn't picked up the Booster app Meta Description which it is supposed to * I keep on getting an error which says: 'Looks like there is another SEO app installed, causing conflicts with your theme files. We can fix this for you in one click. ' along with a button which says along the lines of 'We can fix this just click here' which I subsequently did and then I get another error message which says ' Looks like there was an issue updating this. Our team has been alerted and are on it ' Now during the week I was clicking on this button multiple times and no-one reached out to me providing an update on this issue until I sent them an email on 31st October last week. This goes to show there was no initiative in keeping the customer up to date unless the customer contacted them first, which is ridiculous Overall feeling about this app: Honestly for me this app hasn't done it's job and the time wasted on the app I could of just done this in shopify instead and everything would of been done by now. What annoys me if that that that they only gave a week trial knowing that depending on how much items you have on your store it would take days, which is not enough for me to evaluate if this app is good or not. I am not happy paying for this app which is not working properly.
Booster SEO – All-in-one SEO & Image Optimizer Shopify App