Advantage-USA Reeds & Supplies review for Mailchimp: Email & SMS
April 8, 2019
I had an issue downloading it at first, but Shopsync addressed the problem and it seems to work smoothly and easily.
Hi there, we're very sorry to hear you're having issues installing ShopSync. We’ve had other users reporting this problem, and after an initial investigation, our best guess is that it's something related to the browser session inside of the app store. We're still doing some checks and balances on our end to be sure, but the redirects after install look perfect; we're also seeing hundreds of successful installs each hour. Due to recent events, ShopSync has become a popular app, and we're wondering if something may be going on at a low level with DNS or caching inside the app store. We've also reached out to Shopify, and they have asked that we post something in their API forums for further review. We're not sure how long it will take an engineer on their side to look at things. As a workaround, we've heard from several users that ShopSync can be installed by going to the apps listing page in Shopify. Evidently, after the first error appears, it will then appear on the listing page (just not fully installed). From there, you should be able to go through the install process business as usual. Other users have reported that by changing browsers, it resolved the issue as well. If you're open to trying the install again, please feel free to do so. Also, don't hesitate to drop a note to [email protected] if you need further assistance. Update: After further investigation into this issue, we've found that the app store had an unusual redirect method to our installation page that needed to be corrected. This problem appeared for a small subset of users, but we understand how frustrating this behavior can be if you were one of them. We've worked with Shopify to resolve this problem and it should be fixed now.