millergreenkitchen review for Mailchimp: Email & SMS
May 12, 2019
So far so bad. Installed it, got halfway through configuring (which itself was no fun, given the contradictory instructions out there)... and got a 502 Bad Gateway error. Uninstalled and tried again, but can't now even get as far as installing it. Long pause... 502 Bad Gateway. No way of knowing whether this is a bug in ShopSync, or a problem at Shopify, or the former triggering the latter, but meantime no way of replacing the old MailChimp for Shopify app. Frustrated.
Hi there! Thanks for contacting us and our apologies for any hassle with loading the app. We experienced technical difficulties with ShopSync loading up correctly in Shopify due to heavy volumes with installations (this is the last day to switch per Mailchimp and Shopify). Our engineers reacted quickly, and the issues seem to be resolved. During this time, data was being processed as normal in the background. The problem was isolated to the app settings loading up in the browser. We apologize for any inconvenience, let us know if you have any other questions.