review for Mailchimp: Email & SMS
May 12, 2020
I have mostly enjoyed using this app and it is very helpful to be able to keep using Mailchimp. However this app has one huge flaw. I have learned after a year of using it, that it unsubscribes your most engaged followers and purchasers when they purchase from your store. That is unless they re-tick your receive emails button. Why would a customer who knows they receive your emails sign up again? I wouldn't do that...we all want smaller inboxes these days and so you would not do it. We use Mailchimp so our customers will have used a double opt in at sign up and they also have an unsubscribe button with each marketing email they receive. I think we cover the issue correctly, so it seems that this is over zealous interpretation of the situation. So as it stands I may lose the ability to contact customers who have previously signed up for our emails because of this system. I have seen other comments on this topic in the reviews. Please help Shopsync, thank you as your app is moslty great but this is really affecting our ability to communicate with regular purchasers and it takes way less money and time and effort to covert someone who has previously purchased from us. We are advised to concentrate on selling to existing customers as well as new ones. Thank you so much!
Hi there, thank you for the feedback. The problem here is more complicated than it seems with repeat customers. When Shopify sends the order to us via their API, we can only see their marketing status at the time of the most recent checkout. We have to take that as "the truth" at that moment and apply logic to the submission into Mailchimp. We would hope that repeat customers would always want to remain opted in, but obviously, that's not realistic. For example, maybe a customer signs up for a promo and decides on their next checkout, they no longer want to be on your list. Unfortunately, there's no great way for us to know what the customer's intentions are other than taking what Shopify gives us at that time. The happy medium in this situation is to mark them as Transactional in Mailchimp if they do not opt-in at checkout the next time around. That way, you can still trigger abandoned carts, order updates, etc. We made this update in December of last year. You can see version v1.1.4 rolled out on the 20th that now works in the manner described on our changelog: If it's permitted in your country, you could consider pre-selecting the opt-in box. You would need to check with your local regulatory agencies to see if that's something that is allowed.