Regio Trade GbR review for SB Custom Product Personalizer
Sept. 20, 2022
Funktioniert überhaupt nicht, also wirklich nichts funktioniert. Es gibt keine Testphase, die Gestaltung funktioniert nicht, der Designdownload ebenfalls nicht. Frechheit.
Hi Regio Trade GbR, This is Dipen from the Product Designer App Support Team. We really apologize if you have faced any issue in the app. We have checked from our side and from some of our current customers and app is working fine. It might be possible there was some product setup issue caused from your end. Also we didn't receive any support request from you about any issue. We have tried to connect with you on Whatsapp after this review and are waiting for your reply to help you to set up a customizable product. Our customers are top priority for us so please feel free to contact us any time through our live chat or by email at if you require assistance. Regards, Dipen Product Designer App Support Team