TorFitness review for PushOwl/Brevo: Email,Push,SMS
May 16, 2020
After doing some extensive research into this app, and boy, let me tell you that there are a few listed on here, PushOwl seems to outrank all the others. Besides being simple to use it's fresh, clean and very smart, and without the endless setting up of things for your campaigns. It certainly beats MANY features displayed on other apps and for free too. It is like walking through a Mine Field with some of them, you would be wondering which wire to cut first and where you cut it if you made a mistake! I have only given PushOwl a 4/5 here, why? well, a 4/5 from me would be the highest in my book giving everyone that little bit extra to improve on their service, in whatever way. Thank you and StaySafe all! PushOwl - 4/5

Email Marketing, Web Push Notifications, & SMS for Shopify