Nature Reflections review for PushOwl+Brevo: Email,Push,SMS
Oct. 11, 2021
I love Pushowl... it is so easy to use. They give you the pixel requirements and I make my images in Canva- So easy! And their customer service is top notch! Do I get ton of sales from it... no, but I do get some and often when I do, the orders are multi-product and exceed my normal cart spend. It helps me with those who come and explore my site to get them to come back and spend. It's like picking up the breadcrumbs that retargeting ads and emails fail to pick up... its that extra little something. I am a very satisfied customer and I highly recommend.
PushOwl+Brevo: Email,Push,SMS
3,055 reviews
Email Marketing, Web Push Notifications, & SMS for Shopify
Shopify App Store