Sedona Apotheca review for Smile: Loyalty Rewards Program
Aug. 7, 2022
Its incredibly slow loading. Make sure when you start you set the points up the way you want them. The settings it comes with will immediately start giving points out to your customers. It was giving out its own version of high points so that when I set up the system I wanted all the customers had all these points and were getting rewards. Cost me money and then had to go manually lower the points for each one. So set it up the way you want it from day one I moved mine to $1 is 1 point - they had it something like $1 is 5 points. Also when you go to use the reward - do not close the window before copying the rewards code! As you will not be able to access the code again.
Hi there, Nicole here. Thanks for taking the time to leave us feedback. I understand that you initially set up your program in a way that wasn't best for your business. We are happy to help make any recommendations or help with any calculations to ensure that you are set up for success! I just sent you a private message going over how much you are giving back to your customers. Our team of Experience Managers specialize in program configuration and strategy, and are happy to make personalized recommendations for your program at any time! I also wanted to let you know that customers can access their previously redeem rewards at any time in your rewards panel. They can see all of their discount codes and click "apply code" to have the discount automatically add to their current cart. Please let us know if there is anything else we can help you with!

Smile: Loyalty & Rewards - World's Most Trusted Loyalty App