Tigardo review for Syncee Collective Dropshipping
Feb. 19, 2022
First of all I really feel sorry for whoever wrote a positive review. Guys! This app itself is dropshipping to dropshippers. Most of their products are aliexpress products stored in the US and more. The most annoying part is they increase the price too much so imagine how much a retail dropshipper would sell their items for. I wish there was add pictures feature here so I can actually show you the insane price difference between them an Aliexpress, literally double the price on some products. They even blocked search by image tools so you can't compare prices but I have own ways. Just choose one of their branded products and search for it on Aliexpress or the internet in general and see what I mean. My advice is if you find any ' supplier' platform that doesn't allow search by image chrome Ali tools just avoid it. Thank me later!
We are sorry to read your review. Please let us highlight some very important details. There are suppliers available on the Syncee Marketplace from all over the world. From the USA, Canada, UK, Germany, Poland, France, Portugal, Spain, Hungary, Austria, Brazil, just to mention a few from the long list of countries. There are small local manufacturers listed just as suppliers known worldwide and all in between. It is not Syncee who decides the listed products' prices. The suppliers set the prices. Syncee offers the technical part so retails and suppliers can connect. There are dropship/wholesale prices of the suppliers in Syncee, and the suggested retail price by the supplier is also shown. The suggested retail price (which is just a recommendation as its name says) is usually the same as the supplier has its in own retail store if they have one. We would like to kindly ask you not to write misleading information about our service! If you have a problem with a supplier, please kindly send us an email or text us via our in-app chat. We are here to help you!