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1 / 5 Share

March 8, 2024

be careful with setting up an offer, it can screw up your products.

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14 minutes

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Developer Reply

Hello, Sorry for the experience you've had We noticed you used the app only 17 minutes before uninstalling and you didn't even contact our support We have all the features needed not to "break" your products And you can even recover your products as they were before installing WideBundle We're sorry to see you go like that If you ever need, you can contact our support back Mat

1 / 5 Share

March 3, 2024

Doesnt work, if they click to cart theyres always 1 prdouct and no sales

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About 2 hours

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Developer Reply

Hello! Sorry for your experience Our app works properly and we tried to explain this when you contacted our support We're sorry to see you go!

1 / 5 Share

April 14, 2024

This bundle is EXTREMELY EXPENSIVE for what it does, just create a basic bundle! they charge you 39 euros for what? personalize the button color?! LOL! Save your money and install Vitals (does literally everything) or purchase any theme you can use a lifetime and has so many other features.Support are kind rude sometimes as well. DON´T RECOMMEND AT ALL.

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About 2 months

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1 / 5 Share

Dec. 27, 2023

18$ Pour un ensemble qui offre pratiquement aucune amélioration, je considère le prix vraiment excessif.

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About 2 months

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Developer Reply

Bonjour ! Je comprends votre réaction concernant le prix. WideBundle ne peut pas forcément être pour tout le monde. Nous avons fait en sorte d'offrir 14 jours d'essai permettant à n'importe qui de rentabiliser le prix de l'application très rapidement afin que le cout de l'application ne soit pas un problème. De plus, nous estimons que ce prix est légitime au vu de toutes les fonctionnalités dévelopées ces 4 dernières années et de la valeur que nous délivrons à nos clients (+22% de revenu en moyenne) Au plaisir de vous revoir un jour en tant qu'utilisateur ! Mat

1 / 5 Share

Nov. 22, 2023

Product is horrible, it disconfigures my store all the time and every day there is a new problem!!!!!

Using app

3 months

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Developer Reply

Hello! Sorry for the experience you had. Actually we tried everything with your store. - We always replied quickly - We recorded custom videos just for you to explain the problems - We worked hours with the devs on the technical problems Unfortunately some stores are more complex and make it more difficult for our app to be integrated I spent 1 hour 2 days ago with you to fix the issues and you ended up uninstalling the app after using it for a few months. I'm sorry that it ends like this, we tried everything Have a good day, Mat

1 / 5 Share

Oct. 10, 2023

The application doesn't work for products with multiple variants. I spent over 5 hours configuring the application, watching tutorials, and speaking with support. In the end, they told me that they do not recommend their application for my product. :( Regrettably, I should have read the negative reviews before installing the application.

Using app

About 18 hours

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Developer Reply

Hey, Mat here Sorry for the experience you've had. The app does work for products with multiple variants but not when you have a ton because you'll reach the 100-variant limit fixed by Shopify. You can have colors, sizes, etc, it doesn't matter By the way, compared to the number of bad reviews, we have many positive reviews! Anyway, when we'll be able to handle more variants we'll let you know! Mat

1 / 5 Share

Sept. 24, 2023

Pour l'instant, depuis que j'ai nstallé l'application, je n'ai eu que des problèmes. je ccontacte le centre aide, aucune solution trouvé. Pire on me repond pas pendant 40 min... je regrette enormement



Using app

1 day

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Developer Reply

Bonjour, c'est Mat ! Désolé pour l'expérience que vous avez eu. Vous avez eu une conversation avec notre support client pour des problèmes qui n'étaient pas liés à notre application mais provenaient de votre thème (les différents texts apparaissant sur vos collections). Malgré tout nous vous avons guidé pour les corriger. Mais au final vous nous avez laissé sans réponse quand on voulait approfondir le problème Je comprends la frustration quand quelque chose ne fonctionne pas comme prévu, mais pour le coup, les éléments apparaissant sur la page collection ou ailleurs ne peuvent être contrôlées par notre app. Je mets un point vraiment essentiel dans le support client et on a toujours fait le maximum, certains jours on peut avoir beaucoup plus de demandes mais on s'efforce toujours de répondre rapidement. Si vous souhaitez toujours une solution de bundles, nous pouvons revoir avec vous ces différents points. Désolé de l'expérience à nouveau, Mat

1 / 5 Share

Sept. 2, 2023

Je ne recommande pas du tout ! L'application vous casse toutes vos variantes, tout le mappage Dsers. Elle met du temps à charger donc le client voit une multitude de variantes random pendant 2/3 secondes, ce qui rend votre site pas du tout professionnel. Si vous avez des problèmes, contacter le support client pour avoir des réponses génériques qui ne vous aiderons pas du tout. Avec tout cela, appréciez de recevoir plusieurs mails de Widebundle par jour sur votre boite de réception.

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1 day

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Developer Reply

Hello c'est Mat ! Désolé de l'expérience que tu as pu avoir Je viens de t'envoyer un email concernant les différents points énoncés. - Concernant Dsers, sur l'image que tu nous avais envoyé tu n'étais pas au bon endroit pour faire le mapping - Concernant le temps de chargement, c'est censé durer moins de 1 seconde, on peut y jeter un oeil si ça dure plus longtemps ! - Le support client a des réponses génériques pour les problèmes ou questions récurrentes avec des articles bien détaillés pour éviter de passer trop de temps, mais tu aurais pu nous poser plus de questions et on aurait été beaucoup plus spécifique ! Concernant les emails, j'en parle dans le message que je t'ai envoyé, car nous n'envoyons pas plusieurs emails par jour donc c'est étrange J'attends ton retour pour corriger ces différents points ! Désolé de l'expérience encore une fois, Mat

1 / 5 Share

Dec. 27, 2022

Horrible. It is not calibrated to work with digital products, and they should explicitly say so on the app page. I was offering a free digital product; no matter what I tried, it always wanted to charge shipping and tax. I tried to disable the app, but the bundles WOULD NOT GO AWAY. I deleted the app, and to my horror, the bundle offers were still there! I had to nuke my entire product page to eliminate it and build a new one from scratch. This app is coded horribly! Downloader beware!

Using app

28 minutes

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Developer Reply

Hello Kyle, Mat here Sorry for the experience you've had! WideBundle does work with digital products or any product. It's in the shipping rates that it can be updated. WideBundle needs to create new variants, so that's why you said the "bundle offers were still there". But you can recover your old variants directly from WideBundle when you remove the bundle you created. Did you contact our support? Or did you check our Helpdesk? The things you mentioned are explained in our Helpdesk articles, and our support could easily help you fix these problems for you. If you want, you can contact us at [email protected] (or the live chat in the dashboard) and we can easily fix these problems for you! Again, sorry for your experience! Mat

1 / 5 Share

Nov. 5, 2022

There is no way to add a quantity break down on the offer. and customer service is nonexistent, the worst ever.

Using app

9 days

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Developer Reply

Hello, you contacted us on November 3rd, and we replied immediately. We didn't get a reply from you. 2 days later you asked us how to do something on the app. We replied in less than 5 minutes. At the same time you left this review saying our customer service is nonexistent and I quote you "The worst ever". So I hope every Shopify App Support on this platform is as bad as us 🙏.

1 / 5 Share

Aug. 23, 2022

-application pas très fonctionnel et intuitive au niveau des paramètres. -Le formateur explique son application en parlant tellement vite que pour des novices c'est pas évident. Il parle en oubliant que nous n'avons pas son niveau de connaissance et donc il serait intéressant d'adapter son discours... -Le niveau de stock des variantes ne peuvent pas être synchroniser ,si on a un produit qui est dans 2 packs différents. Problématique, car cela signifie qu'on doit acheter des packs qui prévoient des stocks déjà prédéfinie... -Si un produit est en rupture dans widebundle, l'application shopify ne fait pas barrage au client. Le client peut passer à l'étape supplémentaire, mais son panier sera vide. Ce qui porte à confusion. Le service après vente propose de mettre la mention "Sous condition de stock" pour prévenir les clients en cas de rupture. Honnêtement ca ne fait pas professionnel. Si on paye une application 10 € /mois c'est pour nous simplifier la vie...

Using app

9 days

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Developer Reply

Hello ! J'ai pu voir avec cet utilisateur les différents problèmes qu'il a rencontré et ce sont des points que l'on va adresser dans les futures mises à jour (certains sont même déjà prêt) Une nouvelle version de l'application sort très prochainement et les vidéos d'explications seront refaites en tenant compte de ces retours !

1 / 5 Share

May 14, 2022

I have never seen such a pathetic customer support ever on any Shopify App. The guys is literally reading all the messages and not willing to reply to our queries.

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About 24 hours

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Developer Reply

Hello! Sorry for the experience you faced When we received your message we had 21 messages on support, we were replying to everyone You say we saw your messages but we didn't, or we clicked not on purpose, we were just replying to people who sent messages earlier We replied to your messages before seeing this review and we started to dig into your problem, we even had a conversation together You then just uninstalled the app without any warning. We don't have anything about the fact you uninstalled the app but saying our support is bad with such bad words isn't true. Especially when support is our main priority Anyway, sorry for the experience you had! Have a great day

1 / 5 Share

Jan. 28, 2022

I'm so mad at this app!!!!! It completely massed up my google product feed and I lost all the reviews!!!! It's changing the item ID AND CREATING NEW VARIATIONS and ruin it all. LET CUSTOMERS KNOW THAT BEFORE YOU RUIN GOOGLE CAMPAIGN!



Using app

4 days

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Developer Reply

Hello Sorry you faced this problem But we do warn users that your variants will be removed in order to be replaced by WideBundle's variants! And we do it not only once but during all the process We even display a warning pop-up when you set up your offers! We have in total 3 warnings, you can check them here: I'm so sorry for your google campaign, I really am, but how should we do it? We already have 3 warnings Mat

1 / 5 Share

Dec. 20, 2021

The App doesn't work as it doesn't load my store's products. I contacted support and no one was able to resolve my issue. I'm using Conversion BEar that seems to be doing the job.

Using app

About 4 hours

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Developer Reply

Hello, I'm Mat, founder of WideBundle My team didn't tell me about that, we fix every bugs, we'll get into your bug and fix that

1 / 5 Share

Dec. 1, 2021

Bad app. I've been using shopify for years but such a badly made app has never happened to me. Just to create a couple of bundles is complicated and it bugs, also to edit active bundles is impossible. I wanted to duplicate the product with bundles so I could have 1 product page with bundles and another normal one but strangely enough it also duplicates the bundles in the duplicate page where it's impossible to edit from the app. Very bad. Not recommended.

Using app

9 months

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Developer Reply

Hello it's Mat WideBundle doesn't work the same way as other Shopify Apps We have a clear article that explains how it works: This allows WideBundle to create offers in a way other apps can't But it has also disadvantages. It's harder to set up But listen, our customer support replies really fast and is really helpful and 100% ok to help you configure the bundles Did you reach out to the support? or didn't you? By the way, saying this is a bad app is a bit hard, we've been working on it for more than a year now and we are really dedicated I'm sorry to hear that from you as we are trying our best to make it a good app! Anyway, I hope that you've found another bundle app that you like and hope to see you again in the future with something that you'd like more! Have a good day, Mat, WideBundle's founder

1 / 5 Share

June 14, 2021

BEWARE. The first thing the app asks you to do is try out adding deals to a product with no other information. I chose my top product with 18 variants and played with adding a bundle deal. The app then DELETED all my variants and replaced them with 3 unusable options. Not only do I have to rebuild the product, it has screwed up all my custom code and tagged social media posts since they linked to my variant URLS. Completely insane.

Using app

17 minutes

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Developer Reply

Hey, it's Mat, the founder of WideBundle I'm sorry for what you experienced and I totally understand how you feel I was a merchant and already deleted my variants (not on purpose) 😓 As Ogi said, we have many warnings in the app when you create the offers, we even ask you to duplicate your product first to make it work But I understand that you probably didn't see it.. 😕 And I'm sorry for that WideBundle has to create new variants to make the bundles work because we don't use discount codes (this allows you to give codes to your customers even if they bought a bundle) But I just wanted to know, have you been able to add your variants back? Hope it's ok now 😕 Mat

1 / 5 Share

Dec. 29, 2020

Worst app ever! It destroyed all my variants and now I'm scrambling trying to re-create the product listing, putting the new url for my ads... all because i tried this app for 30 seconds to see how it looked! Do not download this, it will destroy your listings!

Using app

18 minutes

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Developer Reply

Hey We are sorry to hear this As explained on the app, WideBundle will create new variants on your product in order to add the bundle When you setup WideBundle, we add many warnings about it and we also recommend people to duplicate their product first if they only want to try the app So it doesn't destroy your listing as you said, it just replace your current variants with new one to make the app works We do not change the url of your product, etc... Did you try to contact the support?

1 / 5 Share

Aug. 29, 2020

The application has completely ruined my product page, I strongly advise against it. There is a limit of 100 variants and they are all doubled or tripled with the application so it only takes a few sizes for the application to be non-functional. When I wanted to delete it, the variances remained and the application doesn't delete itself correctly which will completely damage your shop. To avoid ! My word experience with a shopify app on this store !!!

Using app

44 minutes

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Developer Reply

Hello, it's Mat I'm sorry to hear this In order for WideBundle to work, we need to create new variants on your shop, this is the only way. So when you use the variants generator, yes it will override your previous variants The 100 variants limit is a Shopify limit, not a WideBundle limit, which means I have no other solution.. Because it creates new variants, if you delete the app, the variants will not be deleted (but everything else will) Then, in order to get your variants back, yes it will probably take some time but your product page will not be ruined as you said Again, sorry for this, it's the only way for WideBundle to work May I help you with something else? Maybe I can help you to get back your previous variants? Mat