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1 / 5 Share

June 24, 2024

We only used the application for 1 feature during the trial period. After deleting I saw that I was charged $749. Even though I requested a refund from everywhere, there was no response.



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Developer Reply

Thank you for reaching out to us regarding the recent charge. We see you are in communication with our account team and are actively working to address your concerns. We appreciate your patience and understanding during this process.

1 / 5 Share

June 14, 2024

Fantastic app however not compatible with our wholesale pricing app. I also for some reason had access to someone elses store/rebuy login..i could literally make changes if i wanted.... A bit of a worry. They said they fixed it but i still had access. Since uninstalling rebuy our cart function dosent work anymore and also have no acces to developer help to remove whatever code has been left behind (which i was told all code would be removed) please help, this is affecting my business

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About 2 months

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Developer Reply

We’re sorry to hear about your less than great experience with Rebuy. Our VP of Support has reached out to you directly to address your concerns and we look forward to making things right.

1 / 5 Share

March 5, 2024

Hi, ok let's write a review so maybe someone from support will answer me. I would like to have my money back for the charge made from January 16th to February 15th 2024 when the application wasn't even installed. Enough explanations on how the price is calculated.



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9 months

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Developer Reply

We appreciate you getting in touch, and apologize for any inconvenience you've faced. It seems our team successfully processed a full refund for you yesterday following your conversation with them. We will send you another confirmation of the refund that we sent you.

1 / 5 Share

Jan. 22, 2024

Rebuy started out awesome, but it has gotten so buggy, laggy, unpredictable and unreliable. It seems like every week we are fixing something, troubleshooting something, or digging up more issues specifically with rebuy. Hopefully they can get it working better, but as of now I would avoid it.

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7 months

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Developer Reply

Update - We have attempted to reach you multiple times to discuss without response. If you would like to touch base then please don't hesitate to reach out. Thank you! Hello, and thanks so much for your candid feedback. It's disappointing to hear about the troubles you've been having with our app. We're on it, though! Your experience matters a lot to us, and we're eager to sort this out. We are gathering all the details related to your store and will be in touch to further discuss the matters at hand. Thanks so much for your patience and understanding.

1 / 5 Share

Oct. 9, 2023

Our fees were doubled without any explanation. This is absolutely ridiculous.

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8 months

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Developer Reply

We apologize for the frustration you've encountered in regards to billing. Our account team leadership has been notified to investigate this issue, and they have since reached out to you to discuss it in detail. We appreciate your patience and understanding during this process and hope to have this resolved very soon!

1 / 5 Share

Nov. 8, 2022

The app cost 100$/month and is not even multi-language. This is a feature that should be in ANY Shopify app this day if you pay that price. We were not able to use it and paid for the first month. We would really appreciate a refund.

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About 1 month

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Developer Reply

[Update] - We have refunded you in full and have reached out multiple times to see how we can resolve this issue. We look forward to hearing back from you. Hi Growers & Co. Team, Thanks for the review. We do have some options on how to translate the widgets and will reach out to show you how. We will also discuss the refund when we reach out.

1 / 5 Share

Nov. 6, 2022

Destroyed our theme. After installing the app the header and the cart were gone from our website. It is sunday afternoon, let's see how long it takes to get it fixed. So far, this app makes us lose money, instead of making.

Using app

4 months

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Developer Reply

[Update] - We have reached out multiple times to see how we can resolve this issue. We look forward to hearing back from you so we can continue the investigation. Hi Comovita Team, Thank you for your candid feedback. We are troubled to hear about the experience you encountered when installing the app. We would love to investigate further, determine the root cause, and rectify any issues that you have. We have reached out to you directly to connect and continue the investigation.

1 / 5 Share

May 21, 2022

The post-purchase upsell does not work. I follow 100% of the instruction but no upsell offering shows after purchase. The customer support team keeps telling me that the product(s) people bought were not part of the trigger collection, which is not accurate. Then they just stop answering.



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3 days

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Developer Reply

[UPDATE] - Hi Amile Team, we have been unsuccessful in contacting you. Again, we would love to work with you on whatever issues you are having. We will wait for your reply so we can continue the investigation. [UPDATE] - Hi Amile Team, we continue to reach out to troubleshoot further but have not yet received a response. I am following up here in case our other follow ups are not making it to you. I will also reach out via email so we can work on this issue. Have a nice day! [UPDATE] - Hi again, we are attempting to get in contact to troubleshoot further. At your earliest convenience, could you please reply so we can greater extend our assistance? Thank you! Hi! Thank you for your review. We're truly sorry to hear about your frustration with our application, but appreciate you bringing this issue to our attention. I see we have an open thread going through our chat and will work to help you resolve as quickly as possible. If you would like to discuss this matter further or have any other topics you would like to discuss, you can contact me anytime at [email protected]. I will be happy to meet with you so we can make this right!

1 / 5 Share

April 25, 2022

We have had a broken site for over a month reached out to support countless times now live chat has disappeared. They are ignoring us really bad behaviour.

Using app

4 months

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Developer Reply

Thank you for your review. We're sorry to hear you have had a frustrating experience, but truly appreciate you bringing this issue to our attention. We would like the opportunity to talk and investigate your feedback further. An email has been sent to our documented address for the Cali Tiger brand, requesting a time to speak. If you did not receive it, could you please contact me at [email protected] so we can set up some time to meet?

1 / 5 Share

Feb. 22, 2022

Contacted the support as the smart cart doesn't work with the theme that is setup and after 5 days i am still waiting and nothing has been done. Even having access to my shopify they aren't contacting me anymore. Pretty disappointing as thats the only reason i haven't started my ads with a non working cart upsell. So now i will have to set everything up from scratch with a different app

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About 1 year

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Developer Reply

Sorry for the poor experience! Our live chat support is only available M-F 9-5 EST and looks like we were in contact with you on Friday and then also touched base with you on Tuesday, our first day back in the office the following week (we take all US holidays off) with no response from you. We are sorry the experience wasn't what you were looking for! Please feel free to reach out to me to directly and I would be happy to personally walk you through getting setup with Rebuy. Please email me at [email protected] Thanks, Dylan G Director of Growth

1 / 5 Share

Dec. 22, 2021

What a waste of my time honestly! I was so surprise an app can actually inject code during the checkout process, of course, this one can't because that is only possible if you are at the SHOPIFY PLUS PLAN. Please make it clear from the very beginning, don't waste people's time! TJIS APP WILL ONLY WORK IF YOU HAVE SHOPIFY PLUS

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About 2 hours

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Developer Reply

Please don't 1 star review us for this SHOPIFY limitation! There is only one feature in our app that is exclusive to Shopify Plus -- and that's recommendations in-checkout! We cannot control this! Furthermore -- Shopify is FIXING this soon! Checkout Apps (Rebuy will be one) will be live by end of Q1 is the current estimated timing! Let us work hard for you and we'll get your site dialed with Rebuy Smart Cart recommendations and more! Please email [email protected] and let's get this 1 star frustrating experience turned into a 5 star money making success! Let's go! Please feel free to email me at [email protected] too! We've got you!

1 / 5 Share

Dec. 12, 2021

I use this app, it good at first... but...................unitl I added widget in prodcut page, and it slow down my product page, and this cause people can not press add to cart until 5-10sec later...... this is really suck!! I had pay a lot of ads, and I just wonder why the conversion rate is low.... and until I find out that... it already cost me 100+ for ads... luck I find out early...................if you do not want the app slow down your product page, be careful!!!!!!!!!!!!! bad!

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About 10 hours

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Developer Reply

Very sorry to hear this! We are here to help! Not sure exactly what is happening here but we are here to support our merchants 100%! Can you please email us at support at (or me directly at john.erck at so we can jump on a one-on-one screenshare to help troubleshoot and setup your account? Rebuy runs on Google Cloud Platform, GKE Autopilot, BigTable, Fastly, CloudFlare, and more to provide sub 50ms response times. We can for sure help out and provide a very fast perfectly setup implementation for you! Again, your experience seems very unique. Please reach out to me directly at john.erck at and I'd be happy to help out and do whatever it takes to fix this. Can you share what you had setup on your product page?